Ocean Embroidery

The Ocean - embroidery

The Ocean Embroidery is a collaboration project with my embroidery group. I created the blue ocean using transparent fabrics that I cut out like waves before I attached them using the sewing machine. That was the start of this pieces, after that it has been touring the homes of ten women who all added their own thing, a fish or maybe a few water plants…

Side angle of the collaboration ocean embroidery

This took about 12 months and when I got it back it was a fun surprise to see how my ocean has grown and flourished during the past year! Isn’t it a colourful and cool embroidery?

I finished it by attaching it to a piece of wood:

Embroidery backside
I think this makes a perfect base and “frame”, leaving the edge white and the embroidery sturdy and in place. Though afterwards I’ve heard that textile art should be left with a “textile feel” and not taut to a frame that gives the work a flat and painted feel… Maybe it depends on what you’re looking for, I will keep the fishes like this and maybe try another style in my next embroidery.

Ocean detail
I think my favorite part is the hook that dangles dangerously in front of the fishes… It’s just the perfect detail to turn the embroidery info a story instead of just a pointless aquarium. What will happen? Will one of those beautiful fishes get caught? And by the way, who through in a coca-cola bottle to litter this marine land?

Ocean detail 2

Lately I’ve been really lucky, and now I’m sitting here waiting for the postman to bring me the embroidered budgie pillow from Karen of Mimi Love blog and then also a super grab bag with stuff made by the very talented Kelly Nina Perkins! Yes, it’s true: I won two awesome giveaways! I only enter giveaways where I really want the stuff that’s been given away and these I’m sure will make me dance around once they arrive. I’ve also received cool wallpapers to play with from blogger and postcard swapper Laila in Norway (who’s post Strategic planner I’ve been meaning to mention – it inspires me right back!).

Painting by Laila
Laila also sent me the cutest little painting ever, as a thank you for what I share on my blog! How sweet is that?! She said she made it thinking of me and as you can see it features a pink H, pearls of wisdom, the ink and feather pen for writing and a golden heart! Talk about being a little overwhelmed over here… So super cute and very “me” indeed!

Get to know iHanna
Oh, and before I go edit some photos I want to direct you to Carina’s Craftblog, if you haven’t been there already recently… She’s interviewed me about the creative process and I really hope you’ll enjoy my answers… Plus, Carina has a awesome blog; she takes gorgeous photos, makes super sweet mandala-like embroidery patterns and is just always full of inspiration! Check her out! The interview is called Getting to know you – iHanna!

PS: Postcarders! everyone should have received 10 addresses in their email by now, for the postcard swap, if not, please contact me pronto!

19 Responses

  1. So super cute hanna! I love the embroidery! I am a HUGE fan of anything ocean and it’s just so lovely! I love coming to your website! It’s so inspiring!
    Off to work! Wish I could stay home and create!

  2. About mounting an embroidery, you can do as you wish. There are hundreds of ways to do and you really need to feel what is right for every piece of work.

  3. B e a u t i f u l ! Need I say more?

    I would love to have it hanging on my wall.

    I hope you are starting a book / e-course about this !

  4. Gorgeous, Hanna. It’s wonderful that your fish have seen the world already! I think this is art – I would certainly hang it on the wall. Great interview, I enjoyed reading it and learning about your creative process, especially the bit about it being unconscious. Love that! I’m not very good at following rules!

  5. Oh, this is gorgeous! What a great project!!! I bet you are so excited to have it finished!!! I think it’s so neat that so many people contributed to it!!!

  6. What a beautiful collaborative piece! I don’t think that the way you framed it makes it look like a painting because there’s already so much texture on it anyway.

  7. so cute!
    can you tell something about its dimensions? I can’t imagine if it is small or big; well, it seems big, but the photo of the back suggests me it is small… clear my confusion, please! :)

  8. I love this – the ocean and fish are one of my favourite themes, and I’d love to do an embroidery piece that is as beautiful as this! The waves background is the perfect setting for all the fish, coral and seaweed.

  9. Your collaborative embroidery piece is such a fun idea! How interesting it must have been to get it back and see how it had changed/developed over all those months. Very cool!

  10. The embroidery project is amazing. What a talented and dedicated bunch of girls you are!

    Congratulations on winning the giveaways. I, too, only enter if I REALLY want to win and so it’s always amazing when I do.

    Are you still taking part in Walking in This World? I am on week four of the project. I’m trying to find some others that are still doing it. :)

  11. So awesome ! I love how your ocean turned out with all of those talented hands playing a part in it!
    And congrats on all your prizes. Funny how that often happens in clusters of good luck !
    Happily finishing the last of my postcards…
    Happy Creating !

  12. Thanks everyone for your lovely comments!

    Silvia, thanks for reminding me about the size of this one…. I try to remember to write down the dimensions of my work, I know it’s interesting to know and hard to tell by looking at photos online. The ocean embroidery is 18×18,4 centimeters (about 7×7 inches), so not that big really. :-)

    Jodi, thanks for your kind comment too. Of course I’m still doing the Walking in this world, I am not a quitter mind you! ;-) I was reading chapter four this Sunday, so we’re synchronized you and me still. Last week I did morning pages 4 days, a wonderful shopping artist-date but no walk. Don’t feel like talking a walk today either. It’s been snowing again, now I want spring! How about you?

  13. I did enjoy reading about you at Carina`s craftblog. You are creative in so many ways. Carina`s blog was well worth a visit.

  14. The Ocean Embroidery is wonderful, fanciful, magical and it makes my eyes happy. Now I am curious. Will the 12 of you take turns hanging it in your homes?

    I love that this is a beautiful artwork created by a group of friends.

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