Petit Buddha and other sweet reminders

Petit Buddha
The Petit Buddha photos reminds me of my practice this summer.

Petit Buddha
It is nice to be reminded of summer when autumn is closing in.

Soft brown leaves
Soft coloured leaves makes the ground into a brown mat.

DIY Text message
Vintage texting on the cell phone reminds me of the fact that I am a writer sometimes.

Map of my inside
And the map of my inner island reminds me of who I am.

What sweet reminders are you treasuring?

11 Responses

  1. Thank you so much! Linen, yes I drew and painted the map. The idea comes from Jeannine who commented just before you did. She wrote so inspiring about naming your inner places I just felt compelled to make my own map of my “inside”. Fun!

  2. Oooh, I’ve to draw my inner map!!! Thank for inspiring me!
    I love the photo with autumnal leeves: they have a strange and fascinating color (here in Italy ruby red leeves are coming!).

  3. Hello, Hanna!!
    Thank you so much for leaving the encouraging note on my blog. This is my first time here and I immediately felts a warm embrace…it’s very beautiful and a reflection of your soul :) Namaste!

  4. Such lovely peaceful pics, and that map is just fabulous! I can see myself doing that. So cool! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Hi Hanna – I love the map like everyone else! :) It reminds me of a map I did a loooong time ago – I think it was in one of SARK’s books (Creative Companion?). I think it would be fun to do a new map and then dig out the old and compare topography. :) Thanks for the great ideas.

  6. Got me missing Japan with this post, I was stationed there for 4yrs and let me tell you the BIG Buddha himself is ginormous LOL. Love this post

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