Monochromatic Orange Art Journal Page

Orange is red brought nearer to humanity by yellow.

Orange detail - Art Journal by @ihanna #monochromatic

The fourth spread in my Monochromatic Series, and the colour is happy orange.

I’m not sure if it is true but I heard that orange is the colour of creativity. When we see this colour it would makes us more creative… it might be true. At least I know for sure that it is a juicy happy colour. I’ve also read that it stimulates activity and appetite, and encourages socialization! Isn’t it cool what colours can do, hehe.

Orange makes me thirsty for orange juice. I can even smell oranges when I see the colour. Another strong image that comes up when I think about this colour are the smiling Buddhist monks I’ve met, all wrapped in orange cloth. I also think of henna, curry, saffron and other spices…

This is the orange spread in my Art Journal:
Orange Spread Art Journal by @ihanna #monochromatic

If you mix red and yellow you’ve got yourself a pretty orange. Try it out and let me know how it goes.

Here are some more details of this spread:

Orange detail
From my watercolours, mixes and hues.

Orange detail
Orange juice and hot sunshine…

Orange detail
Orange flowers that are almost yellow…

Orange detail
…and yarn scale from yellow to deep orange.

14 Responses

  1. I love orange. One of my favorites. And it plays so brilliantly with turquoise!

    Beautiful work, Hanna! Makes me want to play in my journal today!

  2. I’ve always considered yellow as the colour of creativity.
    Aniway, I really love your monochromatic pages! :)

  3. Oh! Juicy is right. I love ORANGE! and all of the many forms it takes between yellow and red. and I love the Kandinsky quote.

  4. Orange, ooh, orange, one of my favorites and mixed with a little pink and some orange red, what more can you ask for – oh, turquoise… xox Corrine

  5. I too love orange – especially with turquoise and blue. These monochromatic pages are such fun, Hanna. Soaking yourself in a color and all it inspires is a great idea.

  6. this page is so vibrant! i would love to get inside your head while you create – you must do a video tutorial someday. (or maybe you have – i am not always on top of things like i’d like to be.) :-)

  7. Fantastic looking page. I used to detest orange, but in recent years have come to embrace it as a really exciting and sexy colour. ;-)

  8. your work in your journal is always so inspirational. thank you for sharing it. Orange is one of my favorite colors.

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