The Sketchbook Project

Sketchbook project

I signed up and got my sketchbook a few weeks ago, so it was fun that so many mentioned this project in the comments yesterday. We are so many that already has signed up. It will be fun to follow along with those who post their progress online as I plan on. Well, if you haven’t signed up (yet) it costs 20 dollars to get a Sketchbook and be a part of this huge experiment/exhibition! You must finish your sketchbook and send it in before January, so there is plenty of time. I plan to start working in mine after summer, probably in September.

At the Art House site you can read more:

    Thousands of sketchbooks will be exhibited at galleries and museums as they make their way on tour across the US.

    After the tour, all sketchbooks will enter into the permanent collection of The Brooklyn Art Library, where they will be barcoded and available for the public to view.

    Anyone – from anywhere in the world – can be a part of the project. To participate and have us send you a sketchbook that will go on tour, start by choosing a theme…

I choose the theme Grids and lines.

The Sketchbook ProjectI am excited to work with a theme in a whole notebook like that. I like the thought that pages I create will be in an exhibition – and then stored somewhere in the US together with lots of other cool art. I stumbled upon The Sketchbook Project when visiting Fiona’s blog (at love fibre) and signed up at once. Since then I have seen this project everywhere – well in quite a few places already. I got quite intimidated when I saw that “real drawing artists” has signed up, but I guess all can not be pretty birds and girls… Someone must submit messy charcoal lines and crayon marks in grids. I think it must be me.

So go check out The Sketchbook Project and sign up for a book of your own!

Flimsy papers

Edit: Be sure to read the rules before you sign up and start working in your book. The papers are really flimsy and thin, it is a “writing notebook” (a 5.5×8.5 inch Moleskine Cahier) so any wet media will make the pages bubble as some of you noticed. You can re-bind it like Kelly Thiel did and use thicker papers. In the rule it says: Your book must remain within the dimensions of 5.5 x 8.5 inches. It can open up to something wonderful (of any size), but it must fold down to the original dimensions. You are welcome to unbind, rebind or alter the book in (almost) any other way. If you want to use a thicker stock of paper, go for it!

Yay, go for it!

Twitter #Sketchbookproject

Edit 2: I’d love to keep track of what you make in your Sketchbooks, when you twitter about it don’t forget to add the #sketchbookproject tag to your tweet, that way we can all stay connected!

Edit 3: Arthouse removed artists, but you can see most of my pages on my blog under the tag grids & lines.

29 Responses

  1. YAY! I signed up about a week ago!
    As I’m from Australia I chose ‘if you lived here…’ because I thought it may be an interesting theme to portray my life in.
    I wish the expo was coming international though!
    I can’t wait to get my book!!!

  2. I signed up and got my journal a couple weeks ago, but haven’t started yet! Love the concept though! I’m in the face in the crowd group.

  3. I’ve been thinking about signing up too! Life has been so out of control lately (bad luck times 1000) that I’ve put it off. I love the idea though. Have fun with it!

  4. Oh I’m so glad you signed up!! I can’t wait to see what you do! I signed up too, I picked “facing forward” and I really am not that happy with the paper in these journals and want to rebind or glue the better watercolor paper inside. Any suggestions?

  5. heehee, i was intimidated when i heard that you and suziblu signed up! i think it’s going to be wonderful knowing that our sketchbooks are mingling and socializing and becoming friends throughout their journeys in art musems across the US.

  6. Thanks so much for sharing this! I had not heard of it before but am sold! Sounds like so much fun. I can’t wait to get mine.

  7. Wow hanna — glad you are in the sketchbook project too! I chose “trying to figure you out” because I thought it was a good theme for me always investigating the german culture and their pretzels!!! Looking forward to see what you make inside your pages, tj

  8. Thank you girls, for all your support! If we mess up our books, who cares? I think it will be fun to work in it.

    Eden, I got the same question in the mail about flimsy pages. I think it says on the Art House site that you can use other papers inside, rebind it or add to it in different ways just as long as it continues to be about the same size? Try cutting down thicker papers and rebinding it perhaps? I’m not sure what I will do with mine yet, I’ll let you know when I start working in it.

  9. What have you done to me lol I’m sooo tempted even thought I’ve never filled in a sketchbook before. I’m the sort of person that needs a deadline to do anything, so maybe this is suited to me, what do you think? Should I go fir it???
    PS. Are the themes running out – because the Grids and Lines theme isn’t showing for me?

  10. Fern, yes, I think you should sign up if you are tempted to join in. You can do anything in your sketchbook so just have fun with it! I won’t “draw” much in mine, just play and doodle. And yes, there are a certain amount of notebooks for each theme. They say that themes may fill up quickly so sign up now to make sure you get the one you want before it fills up! Yay creativity!

  11. Haha I went for it – and I chose the ‘It will be fun, I swear’ theme (I thought it was appropriate!) Thanks for the push, I’m excited :-)

  12. Hello Hanna, :-D

    I just signed up for this project as I felt in love with the idea. I chose the “It’s raining cats & dogs” subject.
    Thank you for bringing this up! Now, I have another thing to add on my “To-do” list! :-p Doh!

  13. Yay, I’m so proud that I’ve lured you guys in to this too! Hehe.

    Fanie, your sketchbook will be so beautiful, if you don’t finish in time you can send it to me! ;-)

  14. i ordered mine last saturday! cant wait to work on it. i chose “a day in life”. im from australia!

  15. Hello, lovely blog you have here and great art. :)

    I created a special blog for bloggie artists to join specifically for the Sketchbook project. I would love to add you….FREE marketing for your art and a place to share in the journey and meet new bloggie artists and friends. You can find it here:

    If you would like to join, please email me and I will add you to the blog to post whenever you would like. :)

    Happy Sunday!

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