My Own True Genius – Collage art – before and after

I can’t contribute to the writing contest at Creative Portal because I don’t live in the US. The title of the contest is true genius and you can send in submissions until 15th of March, it should be a short essay (200-300 words) describing a time when you felt the genius of creative inspiration. And haven’t we all felt that, one time or another?

I got inspired by the title…

Hemlighetsfull kärlek (copyright Hanna Andersson) Nytt blod str?mmar in i hj?rtat (copyright Hanna Andersson)

My Own True Genius

by Hanna Andersson

I am on my bed, collage papers, ephemera, crayons and glue stick spread out all around me and on all sides of me. I’m surrounded by creative materials and inspiration but it’s the creative force within that makes me forget about time, not the material. Nothing here is expensive or fancy. I am creating my art on cardboard recycled from pizza boxes.

I don’t have a big studio, at this time in my life I don’t even have a proper desk to work on… And still I am getting into the flow and hours pass by. I notice I need to go the bathroom but I don’t want to get up right now, just this little dot here first…

K?ra gamla hyggliga sj?l (copyright Hanna Andersson)

I sit cross-legged like a meditation yogini for a couple of hours and I notice that my legs hurt but I don’t really want to quit working. I’m creating these collages on square pieces of paper, starting with a collage and adding layer upon layer. I work on one while the other is resting, waiting for me or the universe to figure out what it needs next. It’s the universe who is smiling tonight, and though I know I am the artist it feels like I am also a by-passer. A viewer. And I’m so enjoying the show tonight!

En sorts solig f?rg (copyright Hanna Andersson)

I’m happy, I’m in the flow, I feel confident and without expectations on the result. It’s because my friend called and told me, for the first time, that she likes my art. That she thinks that I know collage and should pursue it. It felt so unexpected to hear that. I don’t know what to do with that information, except let it be more collage art. I’m the goddess of art… and do you want to know how? Not by anything else except my inner most feeling. It’s because tonight I feel like an artist.

I feel the artist within.

I think I could’ve win the contest, don’t you? Just by the pure energy I feel when I look at these collages. Hehe.

These are the art pieces mentioned in my portion control post last week when I created in my altered book. I’m posting this as part of the crusade too, because in some of these there are lots of portion control (half hidden symbols and patterns). Especially in the red one above, look again. See all those circles?

Here are two pieces that I shot before paint and after, just for fun:

Before painting (copyright Hanna Andersson)
Collage before….

Penelopes r?tter
…and after

Before painting (copyright Hanna Andersson)
Before painting (2)….

A st?r f?r alligator (copyright Hanna Andersson)
…after painting (2).

I’m going to list all of these Art Collages on my darling Etsy Shop during next week. If you would like to know when, please join my Newsletter! Thanks.

Have a great weekend, and remember, you can be an art goddess too. It’s not about what you create, but how you feel while doing it!

14 Responses

  1. Hanna, I love these art collages – they would make awesome scrapbook pages! thanks for sharing them. I think you would’ve won the competition too!

  2. GORGEOUS! The pleasing colours soothe and pop all at once- just like life! Beautiful. I agree with Megan you would have won hands down.

  3. Ah, Hanna, you win the contest to my eyes already. These pieces and the experience you had creating them are all about the moments when that inner artist takes over – it is such a joy when that happens ! The way your wrote of your experience is so great too – I could feel the aches – the ones in your knees but more the ones in your soul as you listened to the need to get it all out of you… The end pieces are like precious babies…full of the light of their creation. Brava !

  4. I appreciate seeing your before and after shots. I have only made one collage of this type and I forgot how the paint and stamping brings out the best of it.

  5. I think you would be the winner!

    Love the colors and the before and after!

    God Bless You and Yours and Your Creative Life!!!

  6. I so love your blog, Hanna.
    It’s full of vibrant colors and positive thoughts and feelings!
    You’re awesome :)

  7. Great collages & great essay! I also like the before & after shots. I’m a beginner so it’s neat to see how others proceed.

  8. hanna – i love this post. i love the pure enthusiasm you have for creating, and the confidence you have to claim you are an artist. of course you are, but so many shy away from the title, so bravo! *claps* LOVE seeing the process here, and those final pieces are so authentic and rich with juicy layers. i really dig all scribbles.
    you ARE a WINNER!
    Really,…… come see!

  9. Oh, now I see how I found you. Megan (first commenter on this post) is my Australian Soul Sister and fellow crusader. I was just catching up on GPP and noticed you had won! Congratulations! You are definitely in the groove – keep groovin’. You are a true and authentic artist who inspires so many! Thank you for showing your process. I can’t wait to go play! You have a great eye for color and composition in all that you do – photography collage. You’ll love the creative surprise package that Michelle sends to each Top Hat Pick. Have a lovely day! oxox kathryn

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