Flowers in the winter – a color boost


My grandmother needed some new plants, so we went to a big shop called Plantagen and picked out a few green ones for her. I had my camera with me as usual and I had a color infusion right then and there. During winter I sometimes forget how bright and beautiful flowers can be – faked and natural both alike. I don’t fill my posts to slow your day down, but because I just want to show all of my favorites here! I hope it’s not to slow to load this images, enjoy!







And someone had some fun with googley eyes:


Hehe – love these! Flowers with a sense of humor!

15 Responses

  1. Hi Hanna! Just letting you know that im a mega super fan of your blog! So much creativity and inspiration in here! Keep it up!


  2. Hannah–
    Your flower photos perked me right up. That reminds me that there is an orchid show here this weekend. I must remember to take my camera~

  3. I wish- for my little plant to grow.. :D rain makes all the seed die, they need the sun.. sigh! and this is lovely.. Hanna :)

  4. I love your blog!Your post on how to turn old picture frames into an inspiration board was genuis. It also set off a landslide of ideas on how to finish decorating my house (finaly!!!). I have been looking at craft blogs for a long time and nobody inspires me like you! Have a great day!

  5. WOW..What a great view. I love this colors…Thanks for reminding me that a lovely season is just around the corner…and life will be an explosion of colors once more.

    ps>: I think I missed the results for you bag contest. I have been looking into see them in your etsy shop…I can get lost in words very easy…Thanks!

  6. Thanks for all your lovely comments girls!

    Sama, the pink flower that is looking like a rose is called ranunkel, a bit like pion! More flower photos here!

    Anary, thanks for your comment and asking about the bags! I haven’t updated my etsy, I’ll post here when I do – promise!

  7. Hanna, I LOVE ranunculus! I used them in 26 art cards I made for a book. These are beautiful.

    You have a great blog. And I just got your book, and I’m taking it on a trip with me this weekend. I can tell just by perusing it that it’s fabulous, just as I thought it would be.

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