Grab your colours and let them shine

Live purely. Be quiet.
Do your work with mastery.
Like the moon, come out
from behind the clouds!

I really like this: “do your work with mastery”. If mastery means perfect nobody could do it, but to me mastery means doing what you do with your whole heart and soul. Concentrate and do your best! Its what we all try to do I think. And then, come out from behind your inner clouds and if you do that with your heart and soul open – you’ll automatically shine! Why? Because you will shine through! Love Buddha!

This post is about colour (and arty brands)! Check my photos out – they make me happy!

One of my sets of watercolours:

New colours

This summer I bought a couple of new colours, like pink (opera rose) and a lighter shade of blue (cerulean blue) than the two that is already in the box. Some of the colour cups were almost empty so I mixed and matched until I had a full set. The new additions to my set were great and made me exited. I really like new colours though I hadn’t thought about getting them before. I was thinking that I could only buy new ones if the old ones were finished! But then I realized that the box was lacking a lot of colours that I wanted to try, so I grabbed some new ones!

If you have a box that was “ready made” when you got it I recommend you to check out other colours in the Artist Shop next time you visit! Maybe they have your favorite colour? Maybe five new hues of your favorite colour? I want to try all of them, but just getting one or two colours was a great treat that day.

You should add more colours to your paint box could be a metaphor for life, right?

Grab some colours and enjoy the play

Sometimes it is difficult, but it’s worth a try! Do it, indulge yourself in colours today, right now! Get them out on the table (or on the floor) and play, smear, paint, spray, colour outside the lines!

At the same time I found a brand of crayons that I’ve been reading about in my mixed media magazines that I love so much. I love the inspiration, but I do hate the name dropping of US brands that I can’t afford, can’t try out, can’t even go look at because they don’t exist on this whole darn continent… hehe. But once in a while I’m lucky.

New crayons by iHanna, Copyright Hanna Andersson

They are called Caran d’Ache Neocolour and I love them! And they were only 5 SEK each on sale, so I got all the colours they had (not very many unfortunately). These are water soluble too, and you can use them to on a lot of different papers, even magazine paper! I have also got a whole set (10 crayons?) of Caran d’Arche crayons that is not water soluble, they are great too. Quality crayons with great colours. They can’t even be compared with the kid’s set of Crayola crayons I bought at a toy shop last year.

Crayons by iHanna, Copyright Hanna Andersson

These kid’s crayons I don’t like or need at all, I’ve just kept them because they look beautiful in the round bucket that they came in, hehe.

This is a spread from my (now finished) Moleskine:

Caran D'Ache crayons by iHanna, Copyright Hanna Andersson

I totally miss my Moleskine plain notebook in a way I’ve never missed a journal before! I didn’t think I would fall for it this much when I first started to use it, but I have. I miss it, and my next diary will just have to be a new Moleskine! I just wish I had an income so I wouldn’t need to hold back a small wish like that! I’m slowly filling my new diary too, but I miss the round corners, the yellow blank papers that I first disliked so much! Who could’ve guessed? The Moleskine is my kind of journal!

iHanna ♥ Moleskine = true

New crayons photo by iHanna, Copyright Hanna Andersson

This month I also got these acrylic colours on big bottles from someone who didn’t want them anymore. I have a lot of small tubes of paint, but these are good for backgrounds when you just want to exaggerate and waste paint by smearing and playing. And also my little brothers paints that mom was throwing away. Children’s paints! I haven’t used these since I was in school. Do you remember playing with these? They have totally other qualities than my watercolours; these are darker, less transparent and almost creamy when you add a lot of water to the colour cakes and whip it with your brush…

Fun fun fun!

Oh, did you notice I felt like writing today and yesterday? Please comment if you have the time…

13 Responses

  1. hanna…we are at the ball…come if you can…i am saving a dance for you…anyway love the caran d’ache…i use them for my marbles…so have used them for many years…i am very comfortable using them…probably because they are so crayon-like…and i have always loved crayons…loved the musings…blessings, rebecca

  2. Wow, your watercolours look so professional (what is the brand?), I’m using the ones that you got after your brother! ^^ But I promised myself that I’d buy the proper ones when these ones go out, maybe next month? For now I must replenish the acrylics supply, I seem to be missing some vital colours. And a bottle of a varnish, I never used it before, there is so many things I need to learn and try out in painting! ^^

  3. Oh great pictures, makes me want to get my watercolours out I havent used them at all this year….. love your blog :o) Yx

  4. What a colorful and inspiring blog reading today! I want to go jump in a pool of paint and then color my hair with crayons!

  5. I can TOTALLY relate with missing your Moleskine! I had a Canon spiral bound, my first one, and swore at it all the time. Now I miss it. But I think since everyone is hearting their Moleskine’s that maybe THAT will be my next purchase.

    Cool finds on the paints! You’ve also inspired me to get some Neocolor crayons. I only have kids’ Crayolas and they don’t work very well.

  6. Ah, vackert! Och inspirerande! Har l?st din blogg ett tag men inget sagt, kanske dags: Jag gillar den!

    Ah beautiful! And inspiring! I’ve been reading your blog for a while but haven’t said anything, maybe it’s time: I like it!

  7. 1. Aren’t those watercolor crayons the best? I finally caved and bought the 15 pack and LOVE THEM. I use them on everything…backgrounds, doodles, coloring…

    2. My very first visual journal was a Moleskine, and then I kept changing and changing em around….and while I love the journal I have right now, I’m feeling SOOOOO nostalgic for my Moleskine! And then, I saw that art journal vlog and am like…awwww! Luckily, I have a plain one around here somewhere….I might switch back.

    I’m so glad to see you posting again! I was sad when you were sad…

  8. There’s nothing like new art supplies, even if they’re just new to you LOL! Have fun with those watercolor crayons … they are so wonderful! I bought the 15 piece set and so wish that I could’ve bought an even bigger set … someday … but for now, I really want a new box of 64 Crayola crayons. Tried a technique from Nance’s (crowabout) blog with them and it was so fun! But our current box is missing way more than half … the new box is going to be mine, ALL mine!!

  9. I adore every one of these photographs. I thing nothing is more beautiful than pans of watercolors lined up in a metal tray like that. If you dont have magnesium blue please get it and think of me. It is the dreamiest, most astonishing blue and separates on the paper into a thrilling granular mystery.


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