My first YouTube Film – featuring Smilla the movie star cat I’m always interested in trying new things as you know. And I love technique, cool software and everything that helps me… Categories Digital Life
Hello Sandybell, Hello memorylane I’m posting a video to my blog today – just because I can and it’s fashionable to do it. Did you… Categories Inspiration
Grab your colours and let them shine Meditate. Live purely. Be quiet. Do your work with mastery. Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine. Buddha… Categories Creativity & Life/Mixed Media Experiments
Inspired to paint When I posted a photo from my art journal yesterday I had nothing to say. I couldn’t write one single word…. Categories Art journaling
Art Journal Peek: Purpose Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in life has a purpose. Categories Art journaling/Creativity & Life
Log Cabin Pillow cases á lá iHanna I’m sitting here sipping my ice coffee and thinking about something to write. I’ve been wanting to post these photos of… Categories Fabric & Sewing
Art journal inspiration I need some inspiration tonight, maybe you do to. Suzi Blu has posted two great videos for you who has not… Categories Art journaling/Inspiration
Morning Dew Sometimes a good photo is not dependent on the camera. I think these images owe their beauty to the light. The… Categories Photography
My inchie I did this inchie when I first heard about inchies. End of last year I think it was. Inchies are art… Categories Collage