Reindeer pajama pants


I’ve made a pair of soft pajama pants, or you might call them “wear at home-pants”, because that is what they are. Pants for softing at home in.

I saw the fabric in my mom’s stash of never used fabrics, hidden in the closet. When I saw it again now I just thought of pants, and that was it.

I took my Hello Kitty pants and used those as a pattern to cut two front pieces and two back pieces. It was so easy, and when sewn together they fitted me, which is always nice!

I especially like the string at the waste – also found in mom’s stash of sewing notions. It just looks so much more pro than anything I could’ve made, with those bell ends. It’s all in the details you know? Or so I’ve heard.

My creation

The pattern might be hiddious to others, but I kind of like it. Maybe it is the norrländska in me that like the reindeer pattern? Maybe I just have a soft spot for comfortable clothes that you can’t even wear when you go to buy milk.

I think I will wear them a lot, when reading in my favorite sofa corner, when doing morning yoga at home or while creating in my studio corner. And I will make more pants too, in a more iHanna-like fabric perhaps…

22 Responses

  1. oh they look so beautiful and comfy ~ i also like the reindeer pattern .. hmmmmm ~ is the canadian in me, lol … so comfy cute!!

  2. Just a note to say that your blog always gives me inspiration when I need it. You are so creative and industrious. I’m an artist and crafter but must constantly search within and outside myself for the energy to create. Your blog gives me that energy. Thanks and keep up the wonderful work.

  3. if you move to the closest chinatown, you can wear pajamas to buy milk. or to do laundry at the launderette. or to go grocery shopping. or maybe pretend you live in a chinatown, and try it where you live? ;-)

  4. Hello – what an amazing fabric stash you have! Love your pjs and journals – and also that you’re into so many different things – that’s cool! :)

  5. on the rainy night like this what else does the girl needs?! Cup of hot coco, comfy arm-chair, book and THOSE cute pajama pants… and I already can see myself in heaven :)
    They look so comfy and soft!

  6. Great job! I love lounge around the house clothes! That’s awesome that you made the pattern yourself!

  7. Great pj pants Hanna! I love wearing pj pants…so comfy! Hey now if I can wear scooby-doo pjs to the store you can wear these! ;o)

  8. Hej d?r! Underbart med tygerna som ?r sorterade efter f?rg. Sj?lv har jag f?rgordnat mina b?cker i hyllan:) Ta g?rna en titt p? min helt f?rska blogg.

  9. Just wanted to say that I think your blog is beautiful, and it has been inspirational – both for my crafting, and for my own (new) blog.

    Hope you don’t mind, but I’ve written a couple of lines about your blog and added a link as part of a review series I’ve just started on my blog.

    keep being creative

  10. Wow! Look at that fabric stash and the PJ’s are fantastic in Alg! Kanske jag ocks? har en litten norrl?ndska nu att jag b?r i Sverige! :)

  11. Your sewing room is awesome! And I love your pyjamas, they’re gorgeous, just the thing for lounging around the house.

  12. You wouldnt be able to make a pair for me would you?? How much if you did? I would be willing to pay…IF you would or could, let me know and I will give you my size…or if you can help me find the pattern..that would be cool! Thanks, Kelly

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