Patchwork Skirt

I’ve created yet another summer skirt. A quilt skirt with lots of different vintage fabrics that I like.

My Patchwork skirt

I found all of these fabrics at my mom’s house, and I cut all the squares all by my self this time. Mom has helped me before when I did a blanket (that is not finished yet). But this time cutting felt so easy, and fun. After I made big squares I continued and made lots and lots of small ones for… something else. I don’t know yet but I have a lot of pictures. I’ll post them soon to let you see how beautiful I can cut now! hehe.

The skirt squares are rather big, and I’m so glad I made them big or this would’ve taken for ever to make. They are 20 cm x 20 cm and that was perfect for me.


Mom has helped with the shaping around my waist, but other than that I made it myself and I’m very proud. I’m learning! I’m having fun! I choose fabrics and colours that I liked and thought would look okay together, I found the buttons and then made slits on both sides for easy walking!

Didn’t I say I would make the world a more colourful place huh? ;-)


The backside is different. All different fabrics, take a look:

Quilt skirt - backside

My skirt is totally inspired by fashion designer Tricia Royal. She is one girl who is not afraid to use colours, to mix them or dress up in them. I love colours too, but I don’t really know what I’m doing clothe-wise. I know very little about fashion, but I’m finding out what I like and don’t like all the time now. And that is all I need to know.

I love my quilt skirt, it makes me happy to wear it.

Please let me know what you think! :-)

Have a great day, now I’m off to a birthday party!

22 Responses

  1. goodness gracious…i am glad i could somehow be inspiring! it’s inspiring to me in turn! you did a lovely job.

    i think you know more about clothing and the like that you think you know. the only thing to know, really, is what you love. find what you love, what compliments you, and you’re on the way. :)

  2. Oh I love this one! I made myself a pair of patchworkpants in the beginning of the 90s – I should have kept them… ;-)

  3. That is one fabulous skirt!!! I love patchwork but it never occured to me to make a skirt. And using the vintage fabrics is perfect. I have tons of vintage scraps that would be great for something like this. Thanks for the inspiration! Oh, I just remembered that I picked up a package of bias tape today to make a wrap around skirt. I may have to try another skirt soon!

  4. Hanna I love your patchwork skirt… so funky !!! Think I will have to make one for our Australian summer…. you have inspired me!

  5. That’s a great skirt- I have bad memories of patchwork skirts from the 80s but this one is making me think that maybe I should try make one for myself. Lovely colours

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