Bad Spelling Top List of 2006

I didn’t sleep at all last nigh… My mind is spinning around, making weaves of dreams and tying my stomach to a tight knot. I just couldn’t fall asleep! I made lists, read a magazine, surfed some blogs, edited a text… Closed my eyes and couldn’t sleep.

Maybe I slept to much when we were in Winter Wonderland this week? Or maybe I need to calm down with all my Big Ideas, New Year Plans and Long Lists of things to achieve?

One small candle in the snow

I’m reading through the posts of last year, 2006, and saving everything into a big Word document. As I read through I correct words I’ve misspelled. These are some words I’ve misspelled almost all the time;

parents garden/home should be parent’s garden/home

computor –> computer

allways –> always

glas –> glass

wich –> which

favourit –> favorite

chinese –> Chinese

techniqes –> techniques

easter –> Easter

stoped –> stopped

challange –> challenge

tryed –> tried

acctually –> actually

allready –> already

specially –> especially

Sorry about not checking the spelling sooner, and correcting at least my most common mistakes. But as I add them to the Word document I correct everything and edited out my mistakes and flaws. I hope The Year of the Dog will become a bound book at Lulu sometimes soon. I don’t expect many of you will want a copy, but it will be available with some “extras” in book form when I finish. I will order a copy or two to archive and read when my memory of last year fades…

Candles in the window

I just can’t believe how many posts filled with photos I did last year. Maybe I should stop doing those, to save time and craft and write more. I have so many thoughts on writing right now – I have just to decide where to start…

16 Responses

  1. Men sn?lla du, jag ?r vr?limpad ?ver att du bloggar p? engelska ?ver huvudtaget!! :) Jag ?r helt kass p? att skriva engelska!

  2. Hanna,

    Sometimes when I think of all the crafts/decorating/writing etc. I want to do, I am paralyzed and cannot do anything. I was looking back at your archives while you were on holiday and I thought, “Look how MUCH this girl has accomplished!” and you became sort of an inspiration for me in the New Year. But you can never but pressure on yourself to create – if you take a step back and just relax, you will feel better.

    I will buy your book, so save one for me!

    I think your photographs make your blog wonderful. You have a unique way of viewing the world where everything seems to have great value and wonder. Please do not stop the photos – I will be so sad.

    Finally, it was your blog that got me into blogging and inspired me to look more into living creatively. A big thanks to you!

  3. I do understand you, I?m at excatly the same considerations – and my head is humming with id?as, plans and New Year?s resolutions.

    Happy New Year Hanna and never mind the spelling, I think you get the message through anyway

  4. There’s probably just as many spelling errors in my posts if not more. I kind of like that about blogs. It makes it feel all the more personal and not so polished and corporate like so many other things in our lives.

    Happy New Year to you Hanna! I can’t wait to see what creative and amazing things you will be up to in 2007! All the best.

  5. Your English is great. I am so impressed. I took 4 years of Spanish and can barely order a beer?!?!

  6. H?ller med Anneli – ?r superimpad att du skriver p? Engelska. Sj?lv blir jag lite r?dd f?r att bara kommentera p? Svenska… och dina stavfel har inte tagit bort fr?n det du s?ger – if you know what I mean.


  7. iHanna, please don’t change a thing about the way you post! You’re such an inpsiration. And as for the spelling errors, I’m sure if I checked mine, there would be just as many lol. What kind of book are you wanting to publish? I’d be interested in seeing what it’s all about. I’m trying to write one also, but I’m only in the very beginning stages~I have to wait for the inspiration to come to me at times to create, anything, but especially with the writing. It seems I can go on & on with trivial stuff, but when it comes right down to it, I can be a procratinator….Have a great New Year!!

  8. Ville bara s?ga att jag ?lskar din blogg precis som den ?r – s? inspirerande, h?rliga glimtar av “din underbara v?rld” (iallafall det som skildras h?r). Gillar stavfelen ocks?, och sluta f?r guds skull inte att fota!

    Vad ?r det f?r bok du ska g?ra? Det l?ter sp?nnande…

    Gott nytt ?r!

  9. Men vad ?r det du g?r och funderar och planerar oc vad ?r det f?r bok du pratar om? The dog? Jag har nog inte f?ljt din blogg s? bra ska jag erk?nna.

  10. Hi Hanna,

    Today I stopped by to wish you a Happy New Year, and catch up on your blog.
    The post that you wrote about not sleeping on the 3rd, I had that same trouble too.
    It was as if I would sleep for a few minutes, then wake up again.
    I had a heavy weight in my heart too. I think it may be because I want to get so much done this year! Yet, I feel it so strongly. So, I changed the look of my blog, and started some new art projects! I felted mini fairy size purses. It was fun!
    Take care.
    I like your blog!!!
    Amber Dawn
    Inventive Soul

  11. Hei Hanna!
    Jeg m? le n?r du n? kommer med din spellinglist!!! Jeg har faktisk v?rt ofte innom din blogg for ? se hvordan diverse ord skrives p? engelsk! Hihi, men jeg synes ikke det var s? mange feil hos deg, sikkert mye verre hos meg…eh! M? ellers si at jeg elsker bloggen din, du er til stor inspirasjon!

  12. Jag f?r v?l g? mot str?mmen och s?ga att det faktiskt ?R irriterande med stavfel. Jag tycker det tar fokus fr?n inneh?llet i en text, som ju ?r det intressanta. Men engelska ?r ju inte ditt modersm?l s? det ?r inte s? l?tt att undvika stavfel – d?remot ?r det bra att du ?r s?pass ambiti?s att du faktiskt kollar upp vad du brukar stava fel p?! Jag som oftast ?r f?r lat f?r att ta ner min ordbok fr?n bokhyllan n?r jag sitter vid datorn och skriver, har uppt?ckt att det finns bra lexikon p? n?tet som man kan anv?nda om man blir os?ker p? n?got ord – t.ex. Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary.

    Tack f?r ett inspirerande ?r! Jag brukar l?sa din blogg ganska ofta, och ?r som alla andra imponerad av din kreativitet!

  13. I like the things you’ve made, especially the little quilt. If you’d like a peep at my artwork in the Uk have a look at Have a great new year. Sue

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