Christmas Wish List 2006

I collect links of beautiful things. Here is a list of things I wouldn’t mind getting this year! Hope you get some ideas for your own wish lists, because you’re never to old to make one – even if you have to buy the gifts for your self! :-I)

wallin rose pottery
I saw these ceramic pieces at Designtorget in Stockholm this summer. I looove them, and want them bad. But they are over my budget, so I’ll just keep a picture to look at the bowl and the mug and dream about the cabin where I will use these. Design Margareta Wallin.

iHanna’s Christmas Wish List

Here is the rest of the Wanted for Christmas list:

Soon I also will need a new laptop, a car of my own, a job and more space.

17 Responses

  1. Quite a list you’ve got there! You made me remember that I have to renew my subscription to ME Home Companion!! I just *HEART* that mag. don’t you?
    Til next time….

  2. I love all of your suggestions, Hanna, especially the book on the Leonardo Trait. I have the Junk Market decorating book and really like it. It was on a sale rack for $7. As for the cup and bowl, why not decoupage them to wood and shellac over, then hang them on your wall. You’ll never have to wash them like real dishes.

    Rock on.

  3. I always see such cool things on your site and come away giggling with the “I want that too’s”! The Leonard book sounds cool and it reminds me of “How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci,” which is one of the most amazing books I’ve read. The bookshelf is totally awesome, too.

  4. Vet du vad, din lista fick mig att sitta upp halva natten och surfa. *fnissar* Porslinet ?r helt underbart,tidningarna vill jag ocks? ha, ja…min lista kan nog bli lika l?ng som din. Tack f?r alla tipsen!

  5. The Leonardo Trait would be a great gift. I’ll make sure Santa knows you want one so he can drop by and pick up a copy before he hits your house.

    Thanks for the plug!

    Angie Dixon
    Author, The Leonardo Trait: Living the Multipassionate Life

  6. Better start saving up if you want to take a course in Tuscany with Ltyne Perrella !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are not cheap.
    Maybe I should start some courses up !!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
    joan in italy
    3 hours away from Cortona

  7. that cup and dish are soooo beautiful! A rose-printed set of coffee cups and dishes is also on my list! I collect anything with roses! I loved this blog and I’m going to add you to my blogroll – would you do the same please? Love and merry xmas!

  8. you are so funny! that’s such an amazing wishlist. i wouldn’t mind some things either. been treating myself for years though with marie claire idees. sooo fabulous. in germany, you can buy it at the kiosks at railway stations and here in lux, i just buy it anywhere. but i’m a visual junkie and like all kinds of magazines. runs in my family. :)

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