Tools of the Trade


These are my main tools of the trade, but of course there are lost and lots more! But the main tools I use in my creative life are here, except for the computor that I didn’t want to take a photo of.

What are your tools of the trade? At Studio Friday you can tell, and at Inspire me Thursday, but before you go please make me happy and comment below!

17 Responses

  1. I’d be happy to make you happy! That is a lovely assortment of tools you have there! Would you also include your sewing machine?

  2. Great tools! And DOH…another one here forgetting about the camera!!! The layout of your tools is very neat…I think I should do a layout of my tools! Great inspiration!

  3. LOVE your tools…they are mine too, but I have even more and I miss them (coming in a shipment as we have just moved overseas). But I would have to have paint and paper and beads and deckle and so much more. I only realise how much I use now that I don’t have them!

  4. absolutely YUMMY collection of tools you have! I especially love your Nikon ( I have one!!)!! it’s my favourite!
    ~ Gabi

  5. I really love how you arranged your tools and labeled them so clearly! Makes a very pleasing design, as well as being truly informative. Interesting too, how your tools are so diverse, from knitting needles to paintbrush. Go Hanna!

  6. all of us are connected by our tools! here’s a story – i spent a fab day at a friends being arty the other day, problem is it took me over an hour to pack for the day! 5 baskets later, I had all my tools that i thought id need for the day, and many more still at home! ahhhh, to be a hoarder of art stuffs!

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