693 blogs is about 600 to many


I’m a surf-o-holic right now, but this week I will try to make a couple of things instead of just sitting by the computor or tv at night. I looove all the great beautiful words and pictures I find though, and thought I’d share some of my recent finds with you, so if you feel that you’ve got the time, please explore these great links!

  • I wanted to make a hat for Whip it contest but I didn’t make it in time. Instead I was admiring the Recycled Knits for your head gallery that Cozy has made. Wonderful colours and combinations. I feel I’ve done nothing with my life when I view this gallery!
  • About photos and design at Foto tiller [found via Five and a half blog, where I also found these amazing furnitures made from vintage books!!!]
  • Looove Twinkie Chan’s Fridge!
  • Love Gudrun Sjöd?ns homepage and clothes (and wich I could afford some)
  • I surfed in on One hour craft blog [found via Crazy cat lady] and found lots of great projects that looks interesting, the Gorgeous bag is something I want to make
    Amy Butler makes a beautiful little bag, and you can learn how in this cute movie!
  • I also surfed in on some kind of online zine this week, it’s called Humus and has lots of great pictures.
  • Craft Apples Bag making 101
  • Shelly has a wonderfull blog called Intuitive Creativity, filled with lots of great subjects. I added her blog to my blogline list and noticed to my horror that bloglines cound the number of feeds you subscribe to. Mine are 693! Help!

5 Responses

  1. It’s true…blogging is a full-time job! I’ll sit down at the computer and give myself 10 minutes to play and before I know it, two hours fly by! It’s like a time warp and the only indicator that that much time has passed is my sore bottom! :-)

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