Warm hands for pirate girl

Varma h?nder skepp ohoj!
I knitted a couple of wrist warmers to give to my friend Maria on her birthday. Fun knit! Other than these I’m crocheting, and so is Bea! I was so happy to see her post with the ruffled scarf that I inspired her to make! Please let me know if you start a crafty project that I’ve inspired. It makes me so happy.

My colourfull nails
I love colours!

These are my feets:
Mina fötter

Mosaic of JulyJuly has ended, and I just read a post about montly mosaic, and really love the thought of that! So go make your own mosaic and join the fun Monthly Mosaics at flickr! Wish I had an idea like that. Everybody will want to join is my guess!

Happy August everyone!

10 Responses

  1. Hi, thanks for visiting my blog!!! and for joining monthly mosaics at flickr! I love your pirate hand warmers and all your wonderful arts and crafts!! Will be back to visit again soon!!!

  2. Happy August to you too! Cute wrist warmers and the green yarn you are winding up looks lovely! I am going to go try a mosaic now – thanks fo r the idea!

  3. Thanks for mentioning me, Hanna! I?m very happy about the scarf! I intend to make some more like that, too!

  4. thank you for sharing that great link on mosaics and inspiring me to do them myself! they are little works of art in themselves aren’t they, a little bit like kaleidoscope images!
    x barbara

  5. Yes I did love them! Hanna knows what I like so it couldn’t be wrong. Now it only has to become a bit colder here before I can use them!

    Thank’s again Hanna!

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