Book of dreams | Cats & butterflies


Did I show you these stamps that I found in a thrift store a couple of weeks ago? Some letters are missing, but most of them are there. I used it in my Book of Dreams (a project that artsy mama started a couple of weeks ago) for a “letter layout”.

Letters is not a BOD-theme (nor cats or butterflies), but at Inspire me Thursday this week it was all about including word art into your designs, so I’ve submitted this page as my contribution.

On the page below (with word art) I have used a photo of my self (images is the theme of week 3). I wanted to use a photo from my own albums, so this is what came out:

Some of my favorite things
Some of my favorite things. I used turquoise, a colour I’ve been wanting to use for a while now. The inspiration came from an article about how you get more healthy when you pet an animal. The levels of hormones that make you happy and calm rises when you pet a cat or another animal friend. I love that! Other things that I’ve listed that makes me happy are walks, to write and to paint. I want to use more of my own pictures, and as transparencies too. Soon.

This is another one with layers that we worked on in week two:

Happy life
Happy girl, happy life. And my own theme seams to be gardening and nature…

I have not caught up with the themes, but I love working on my book.

I really like the small pieces/pictures of the bigger spreads, so… Here are some close ups of the collages you’ve seen here:

craft table - detail of collage

Happy girl - detail of collage

detail of collage

Kittens - detail of collage

11 Responses

  1. I love all you pages. I could so use the letter stamps…lucky you. I really like seeing your close ups of your pages too.

  2. Hi Hanna!
    Just love your pages made for your BOD.
    They are so inspiering and incredible beautyful.
    You are a true artist.
    And also: Thanks alot for your kind comments on my blog!
    I just happend to read your blogpost about swedish kids-books, and I had to smile, because I have those books from the ’70 as well. My mom is swedish. ;-)
    Are you swedish? If you are, maybe I can leave my comment to you in Norwegian next time? Probably easier to understand than my poor english. ;-)
    M? s? godt!

  3. for your box of dreams, a poem by County Cullin from the Harlem Renasiance.

    For a Poet

    I have wrapped my dreams in a silken cloth,
    And laid them away in a box of gold;
    Where long will cling the lips of the moth,
    I have wrapped my dreams in a silken cloth;
    I hide no hate; I am not even wroth
    Who found earth’s breath so keen and cold;
    I have wrapped my dreams in a silken cloth,
    And laid them away in a box of gold.

  4. You’r pages are wonderful. How would some one find out how to do what you have discovered???? You would not beleive how hard it is to find glasses to go to get ideas. I have three books need working on, army, heritage, and a travel one.
    You are very good. admirer.

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