Embracing the Mistakes

Studio Friday theme is By Accident. Tine says:

Whatever it may be that goes wrong from time to time be sure to embrace it and see it as the adventure and discovery that it actually is.

Accident softie called Urban
The accident softie is called Urban.

I made this teddy friend without a pattern, but from a picture I saw online when I first started to surf on crafty sites. I fell in love with a picture, and wanted to make a similar bear for me… But no luck, since there were no skills.

I actually made him about two years ago now, and I have had him in a box in the closet with fabrics until now.

I was angry, and disappointed. I knocked his head around. I named him Urban.

His ears was not big enough to show on the outside, his seams ripped open as I tried to turn the fabric (because I forgot about the importance of seam allowance) and the body and head is way too small once turned, not at all what I had in mind.

And what the heck is up with the rabbit teeth?

I hope he will make you smile, because he now makes me laugh. I could make a better bear now, I think. I’ve learned a lot since I made this thing by accident. I was trying something I had no clue how to execute or finish… Accidentally trying something, even though you don’t know how, is actually a great way to challenge yourself!

I think trying and experimenting is a great way to learn, even if it takes a couple of years to really get the lesson, or at least be willing to try again…

18 Responses

  1. HA LOVE IT! I have some similar “stuffed animals” when I tried sewing for the first time. Regardless of how ugly they turned out, my kids loved them.

  2. Thanks for more inspiration. I have been wanting to experiment with doll/softie making but have been really intimidated since I cannot sew well. You are right though, challenging yourself is the only way to move through the anxiety and get to the good stuff!

  3. I love your positive attitude–doing something even though you don’t know how is absolutely the best way to get creative. I love it!

  4. I love this post! Mostly because of the serendipity of it – my last post is about ’embracing mistakes’, about how we need to make mistakes in order to learn. That is exactly what you have done here. Look how far you have come! I have no doubt that any bear you made now would be exceptional. But you had to make this little fellow in order to learn.

    Great post. =)

  5. I love the story, and the bear is kind of hugable and loveable.
    I read your blog almost every day, and I want to thank you for the inspiration and nice stories that brighten up my day. Hugs from Marit

  6. ‘If you can’t make a mistake you can’t make anything’ goes a little saying in the elementary school, and can’t we all learn a thing or two froma a kindergarten student?
    We have all had those ‘accidents’ and that is part of the creative process. I think the bunny teeth on the bear are great! Talk about wimsical! Inventing your own creatures like that – look out George Lucas :)

  7. Hi Hanna, you did it again, you created something extraordinary!

    By the way, I received your postcard and it is gorgeous! Thank you very much! I will treasure it.


  8. Oh what a lovely little thing he is!!!
    In order to learn we have to make mistakes. It can be so painful though and disappointing but it’s part of it. It pushes us to become something greater and to train our skills.

    And now, you are looking back at Urban and are able to love him despite his faults. You also managed to accept yourself in the process which is ultimately what it is all about ;-)

    What a treasure Urban is!! You should create a great piece of art around him with him in the center!!

  9. The bear is beautiful!!! You know, perfect isn?t interesting…… in fact it?s a bit boring……
    The quote from Tine is so good and so full of wisdom, even though one has to remind oneself of it over and over…..
    Thanks for your soooo inspiring blog!!!!


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