I made this: DIY Shirt

Hey my dears, look at this – what do you think?

iHanna in DIY Fashion (home sewn long sleeved shirt in turquoise) 2007

It’s me – in a home sewn shirt.

Maybe you will remember the piece of fabric I bought a couple of weeks ago? Now I’ve actually made something of it – and it fits! I am very, very pleased.

This is the first shirt that I’ve sewn that I really like to wear – which is what amazes me the most. I can wear it, it fits me and I feel good in it. Wow!

When my mother was here she helped me buy a double needle for the sewing machine, and showed me how to sew with double threads. It was really easy even though this stretch fabric was difficult to sew with. But I did fine.

I wanna make lots more, because getting new clothes is always fun!

22 Responses

  1. I absolutely LOVE your shirt. I have a sewing machine, but I am not very good with it. Great job on the shirt you can actually wear!!

  2. Wow! I?m envious! This shirt is sooo beautiful! I?ve never tried to sew stretchy fabrics, so I?m in awe! And you look really great in it too!

  3. adorable. i guess we can add haute couture to your resume.

    I bought the art book you recommended, I am doing a daily art journal. I am trying to water color my daily activities. You inspire me!

  4. What do I think? I think it’s lovely and I’m very impressed that it was your first venture into sewing with knits!

  5. Ooooh, I LOVE it!! and such the bod you have…if I looked like you, I’d be making tops like that every day! :) smooches, tracy

  6. Thats fantastic, I LOVE the fabric!

    Perhaps you’ll post a tutorial on using double needles? It’s something I’ve always wondered how to do… :)

  7. I am so impressed!!!! I couldn’t make a shirt if I tried. I have never had the courage to sew clothing, maybe one day. I love the fabric also. The fit is perfect.

  8. Just love it! You did very well!!! I have not yet cracked the mystery of the double needle, even though I have two….

  9. hanna! this t is fabulous! i love it alot…..
    p.s.the cat is not in the jar,although it is meant to look that way,it is a transparency that i put into the bottle with a tweezer…silly girl!

  10. I just adore this top. The colors and patterned material is the best! I wished I had this material for a top for myself. GREAT JOB!

  11. Found your weblog after your comment on my latest bag – thank you so much! Your work is very inspiring, you seem to love it as colorful as me :D Will come back to see more from you.
    Very nice shirt by the way!

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