Art pages in my spiral bound book

Two spreads from my second art journal (now full!):

Jag skall dundra (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Jag skall dundra.

Background is water soluble oil pastels and pen, and on top of this collage of magazines, a ticket and stamps from the mail.

Country style (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Country style.

Collage of pictures that speak to me.

This little fellow came visiting with me on the balcony and had the kindness to pose for me a moment while I fired away with my camera. Dragonflies are beautiful!

DragonflyHe looked like he wanted my company, or just a pillow to rest on perhaps?

5 Responses

  1. Oh soooo amazing, the little dragonfly! And he blends in so well with the pattern, what a shot! At first I thought he was maybe a fake one, haha. Amazing, Hanna!! I think you are right and he needed a little rest on your pillow ;-)
    Your art journal pages are beautiful and inspiring!!!

  2. I wanted to see your photos bigger, but Flickr thinks they are private. I love the look of the artjournal pages from what I can see in the smaller photo. Doesn’t it feel great to finish the journals?

    I had a dragonfly under my windshield wiper yesterday and today. I kept wanting to stop and get it out, but I was late for work both days. Then I would forget when I got back into the car. We live on a creek and get lots of them. They are so pretty.

  3. Snart ska jag prova att g?ra ett collage, har hittat lite bilder i en tidning som jag f?tt en id? av. Ty?rr f?r jag v?nta n?gon dag, har inte riktigt tid.

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