Let’s be creative

Let’s do something creative together!

Get out a glue stick, some magazine images and your favorite notebook and let’s create a spread filled with colorful imagery and patterns, some stickers and washi tape details and maybe we’ll add a nice message or quote. Yes?

You can do this kind of all-over-collage in any notebook you like, the smaller the quicker it is to fill and there’s something very satisfying to cover all the white of the original page with your own imagery, weather it’s painted paper or like I am using today, mostly magazine images.

Collage time with iHanna in a travelers notebook video

I buy Uhu 40 gram glue sticks in bulk, because I go through them so quickly.

Collage time with iHanna

Here’s the most recent video I published, a new episode of “Collage time with iHanna” :-)

Collage time video: A fresh start in a Traveler’s Notebook Glue book episode 8 on YouTube, click to watch.

Videos are not embedded if you’re receiving this blog post by email, but to visit a blog post you can always click the title of the blog post and it will take you there. Once you do that, you can also leave me a comment letting me know that you’ve read, watched, seen or simply just say hi… I appreciate those interactions a lot.

If you have more time, feel free to stay a while and watch back to where this notebook got started (first page and doing collage on the cover) in the YouTube playlist:

YouTube videos in my Playlist Collage Time with iHanna – click to watch all the videos in order or apperance.

I started working in this little glue book or art journal in 2019, and since I’ve filmed making every page in it it’s been a slow process of filling it. The size of it is 11 x 21 centimeters (4,3 x 8,2 inches) and I still love that crazy format.

If you want to know more about the travelers notebook system read my ultimate TN guide.


5 Responses

  1. Hi, IHanna! I watched this video with my morning coffee, and it inspired me to hunt up a composition notebook and make a colorful cut-and-paste page of my own. I had a delightful time! This was so freeing, without any pressure to “paint a realistic picture of something”. While I didn’t start with a theme or message, the page seemed to develop one as I went along. And most of this was just scraps and junk mail from our recycling! I would love to send you a photo of my page, if there is a way I can do that.
    Thank you for your inspiring videos. This one made my day. I’m going to check out the playlist of the other “Collage Time” videos in this series that you have done.
    Lynn in Missouri, USA

    • Thanks Lynn, it makes me really happy to hear this video inspired a little collage session at your house! I’d love to see a photo, feel free to tag me on instagram or share via email if that’s more comfortable for you.

      I hope you’re enjoying the rest of the series too. :-)

  2. I really enjoyed watching both of these video. I also love collage and this was very inspiring to watch. I would love to see more! I would also love to hear any tips you have for storing your collage materials as sometimes it can feel like I am spending more time pulling it all together rather than doing collage.

    • Thank you Michele, I would love to make a video on how I organize my collage materials but be warned, it will probably not be very organized at all… I really enjoy the random finds of pulling out a folder that I have no idea what it contains… LOL

      • LOL I am the same to be honest. Perhaps I should have said “how do you store your collage materials” I think that’s more my speed :)