Finishing the Postcard – what’s on the back?

I love the backsides of postcards almost as much as the art on the front!

I love the backsides of postcards just as much as the art on the front!
Postcard Fish & Celebrate stamp – both with metallic details that shimmer nicely! Earth Day forever. How it is spelled: Hanna without an h at the end (correct) and Andersson with two s:s (but that’s okay).

Dear Mail Art Artists & DIY Postcard Fans,

do you put in as much love and attention to the backside of the postcards you send as you do the front? I am guessing no, you might not. Painting and creating a handmade postcard takes a bit of time, and if you’re anything like me you are in a hurry and just want to get it out on time when you’re finished? That’s okay, but if you have the time and energy, the backside is just as important.

That’s where you get to say something with a greeting, for one thing.

iHannas DIY Postcard Swap - receive happy mail in abundance
You can read all about the swap and sign up here.

And there are some mail artists that take the time to decorate the backside too! To add washi tape, pretty (specially picked) postal stamps, to stamp a message or letter a nice greeting especially for the recipient. I love that. So today we’re taking a look at some colorful backsides that I photographed a while back from postcards all received in the DIY Postcard Swap that I host!

I am always thrilled when I see new (to me) postal stamps, and even though they’re mostly stickers these days, I still like those tiny printed artworks.

Here are some favorites:

Stamp details from all the DIY Postcards I got

I especially liked the “Year of the Rat” postal stamps from Australia that was glued to a specifically designed envelope with space for the stamps in the design – very cool and special.

I also appreciate kind words and lovely greetings on the back, these are from us celebrating the swap’s 10th anniversary:

“Things are bad – send chocolate!” stamped on the back of one of the postcards made me laugh.

Art is something that makes you breathe with a different kind of happiness. Anni Albers

I also really appreciate senders who spell both my names correctly, or add in little extras like stickers or die cuts in the envelope:

Extras from Arielle

Or a lovely art print along with the DIY Postcard, like Jana C did here:

Printed extra postcard by Jana C

Robyn signed up last year and in her blog post about the swap she wrote about the importance of writing a message on the back of a postcard:

… I was just reminded of the hardest part of the whole process? writing the letter and addressing it. I always want my mailart to be a WHOLE experience for the recipient (and maybe even the postal workers in between us). I want the art to be amazing, as well as the personal letter, but I struggle so much at what to write. It?s kind of disappointing when you get a postcard that barely says anything on the back.

So this year, let’s all be more like Robyn and give writing a try! Because even if it’s a struggle I think you could come up with something to write on the back of your DIY Postcards this year, right?

Tell the recipient of your country if you’re sending it abroad, or about your art practice vs. day job, how you created your postcard, or anything positive or fun that you yourself would enjoy reading about. :-)

If you’re including your instagram handle and/or email could you please print it out – so that it won’t be a struggle to read and interpret!

Collage Process

Here’s my latest youtube video as well, where I’m sharing my current postcard process. This year I’m creating grids with hearts on top – all from painted collage fodder from my many years of doing mixed media.

And if you haven’t already, you can still sign up for the DIY Postcard Swap today!

6 Responses

  1. Hi iHanna!
    Love your idea of doing the grids with the hearts. I’ve enjoyed your blog for many years. I’m getting ready to do a rainbow journal after being inspired by you. Have a great day!

  2. Happy birthday to your blog Hanna! I love this blogpost ’cause, just like you (and Robyn) I love postcards/letters on BOTH sides! I don’t have the time but if I did, I would definitely step in and join the swap. I hope all is well with you and wish you a beautiful Spring up there in the North. Love from the Netherlands!

  3. Hi Hanna! I’m excited about my 2nd annual postcard swapping (how can it simultaneously feel as if 10 years have passed and just a week has passed since last spring’s swap?! Covid-time is bizarre!)! The eclectic mix of cards I got last year were fun, truly amazing and inspirational. Looking forward to seeing what everyone cooks up this year! Thanks so much for doing this!

    • Thanks for joining the swap – I think you’re amazing for taking the time to share your beautiful art with the world!


    • Thanks for asking, yes it will. It’s late because of me, but it will be up soon thanks to me too, LOL. :-)