Pink Happy Mail Opening

Life is tough, sometimes. You know what I mean, right?

This autumn has felt particularly harsh to me. First my bike got stolen from outside our house where it was locked, then a month after that I got my smart phone stolen. And I know things like this happens all the time, and it could be worse… but it’s never happened to me. Ever. And it happens right when we’re at an economic low in this household.

I’m not going to go into my personal struggles more than that right now, I just wanted you to know that the happy mail that this post is about came at the right moment. Loosing two of three of my most expensive items in such a short time (my most expensive is the computer I’m working on to support us) was a blow. Things like this can really get me down. Not just loosing worldly things, but thinking about the people who steal, and the world’s state in general, it all makes me so sad.

So endulge me.

Video: Opening pink happy mail from a blog fan

All things has a brighter side, even though it’s sometimes hard to see it. Right?

For example, I have gotten a free vintage bike from a friend (that needed fixing but at least it costed me much less than a new bike would’ve) and mom gave me money for the new phone. And I also received a package in the mail, that really cheered me up. It came at just the right time, and it’s from a blog reader, Jenny, who wanted to send me things because of what I produce on this blog and on YouTube etc.

Isn’t that so sweet? She wrote me a note too, and all of this made me feel prouder than usual.

U R A-mazing note from Jenny to me

So that is what this post is about. Little pink and cute things, pens, stationary, papers and happy mail. I think you can tell how excited I was about everything in the video I shot of me opening it up.

Pink Pen Pouch for iHanna

Opening Fan Mail Package

Here’s the video (it turned out rather long but if you too are into cute stuff, pink pens and papers I’m sure you can relate that I needed to reflect on almost every little bead in there!). I hope you’ll take the time to watch it while sipping a beverage or doing some crafting yourself. In that way it will feel more like we’re opening it up together, you and me. Thanks for being here.

If you can’t see the video watch it on YouTube: Mail Opening and please click through to give it a thumbs up and comment there too. Thanks.

I got oh so many cute things from Jenny, who sent me this package. I feel very grateful for each item but most of all it makes me happy to know such generous and kind people (still) exists in the world. The political climate is getting colder, borders are being closed off, fear of change and the unknown seams to be creeping into our hearts these days and it’s sad to see. I always wanted to let my heart stay wide open, even when it’s difficult, but it’s harder in a hard world.

Pink, polka dots & cute

This little post about pink pens has now mentioned theft, the hardening political climate, my bad economy and me having the blues… Not my usual content, I promise you. I hope it’s not a downer, or at least more of an “upper”, a celebration of all things cute, pink and artsy. Because a whole pen case of pink pens, what could be more happy than that?

I love my Pink Pens

Here’s the pen test I did:
Pink pens - pen test
So many yummy pink pens!

Pink Happy Mail - stickers, stamps and ephemera

Pink Happy Mail with 3D-stickers
Plastic, thick stickers with Hello Kitty. I think these are so cool. Have you ever seen something like this before? I sure haven’t.

I wish I had made a special notebook to write down and document all the happy mail I’ve gotten through the years. It would have been such a great keepsake now. I don’t get as much stuff these days, but back in the day when blogging was new sending care packages and doing random swaps was more of a thing I think, and it would have been nice to have folder of all the letters from that… But of course I have saved ALL postcards from the DIY Postcard Swap that I host (you can still join in this round), and I do have a ring binder with filled plastic sleeves of all the ATC:s I have traded through the years! I should make a video about that one some day.

Socks and other lovely things
Socks and other lovely things. A big thank you to Jenny who sent all this to me. A big thank you to everyone reading this blog, and making creativity and art a priority in your lives!


8 Responses

  1. your so right Hanna….life IS tough sometimes…… I’m so glad I could send some things and add a little pinky goodness to your corner of the world Hanna. You give SO much, I am grateful and appreciate your creative inspiration! Have fun and remember how special you are to soooo many! ♥

  2. I’m so sorry you’re having to go through these tough times. It’s sad that people have to do stuff that hurts people who are just trying to get through life. Yay for Jenny’s package of goodies arriving in the nick of time. If we lived closer together I would bake some pumpkin bread and bring it over. Here’s hoping everything turns out okay.

  3. How dreadful that people would steal your treasured and useful possessions, Hannah, not only hurting you and making you feel angry and vulnerable, but also adding considerable inconvenience to your life. I know people often say “it’s only things…” but that doesn’t diminish the feeling of having been violated and powerless. I am so sorry. Then for your lovely friend to send you such a beautiful pink package of goodies to brighten your life again, just at the right moment! God’s timing is perfect. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I am glad you like my creative space! I just wish I had more time and energy to spend up there!


  4. I am so sorry! But I am so glad you are surrounded by friends, family, and internet friends who could take this opportunity to help you out! Doesn’t make the hurt go away, but hopefully it helps make you smile and remind you how much you are truly appreciated and loved! And even with all this difficulty going on, you still brighten your corner of the internet and make us all smile. Thank you, both for sharing your challenges with us, and for continuing to create such cute, pretty content. You certainly have a gift, Hanna! You took a bad situation and created a beautiful, happy video (and pretty photographs) for all of your internet friends to enjoy. Thank you!

  5. I am so sorry for the challenges. I hope things are going better now! Thank goodness that the happy mail helped to lighten your load a bit.

    • Thanks for your kind words. Yes, sometimes “things” can really brighten the mood, especially art materials that you can use in many different ways. All of these things makes me happy and eager to be more creative. :-)

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