The Finishing Touches of Everything

Wanna make some happy mail with me this fall? Then stay tuned. A fun Swap Event is being planed in this moment, and you probably are gonna wanna join in. Or at least that’s my guess.

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It’s almost time to join the DIY Postcard Swap that I host here twice every year – but not just yet. I’m scheming and planning still, making some new graphics and hoping it will be the best swap so far! I will be sending out your invitation to join in autumn’s Best and most Awesomest handmade postcard swap very soon! Those on my newsletter will be the first to know, so Sign Up Now if you haven’t already.

But today I had to take a break from computer work, to do something rather different…

I love art journaling, mail art and collage, but did you know I also do embroidery? I love hand stitching. So on my work break today, I finally did finish three of my embroideries! I had to do it today because tomorrow it’s time to hang them for the upcoming exhibition! I mean, OMG, why did I wait until the last minute to finish the embroideries?

I like to decide the night before Thanksgiving that I’m gonna do it, and I’ll see what riff raff is around. Then I get that last-minute surge of energy. But if I had two weeks to plan, sometimes I wish I wasn’t doing it. But very seldom does that happen.
Amy Sedaris

Well, that’s how I roll too. Procrastination and Plus, the most boring part of any art creating is the framing, right? It’s so tedious and boring to me, but a must if you want it to look professional. And when it’s done, it can totally transform a piece of cloth with stitches to a piece of textile art that is worthy of a white wall at an exhibition hall. :-)

Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well.
Mark Twain

The Best thing about Happy Mail

What’s your favorite thing about the DIY Postcard Swap if you’ve participated in any of the previous years? Leave a comment below and tell us. I’ll just keep putting the last pieces of the puzzle in place now and get back to you soon.

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22 Responses

  1. Not only do I love seeing the creativity of the postcards sent to me, but I also love seeing where they come from (all over the world), and I also like seeing where the people who get my postcards are from. It’s a fun way to get geography lessons!

  2. I really love the joy that the postcards bring to my mailbox mixed in with junk mail, bills and the usual humdrum stuff in the mail. It makes my mail carrier happy, it makes me happy and it makes my friends who I share the mail art with happy. Such a simple thing full of so much joy! Thank you for doing this every year Hanna!

  3. I joined in with the last postcard swap (my first time). It was exciting to see the postcards arrive – from all over the world. I do ATC swaps often, but it was different to have the challenge of posting my precious creations off without the protection of an envie!

  4. I’ve been waiting to see this post! I’m in!
    And, I’m also awaiting new art supplies in the mail…tee hee!

  5. I was just wondering last week when the postcard exchange would come around again. I am so excited! I not only love making the postcards, but recieving them brings me so much joy. I received three from foreign countries and seven from USA last year. One of them was a beautiful card from France written in French and it had a precious handpainted button sewn on it. I could not believe the button made it half way around the world still attached and without getting broken. Hanna, I wanted to send you a postcard too, but did not have your mailing address. Could I possibly somehow get your address, please?

    • Aw, thanks for sharing your postcard button story with us, I love things like that. You don’t need to send me a postcard, but I can send you my address if you really want to.

      I love getting postcards. :)

  6. I am so excited! I have been following this swap for the past 3 years and I never joined for lack of time. I am totally in for this one!! And very excited! Who doesn’t love receiving postcards. I think you had a great idea.

  7. This is my first time joining this swap. But I am not new to swaps (original member of swap-bot). Hanna, I really like your style and am a new subscriber. Can’t wait to send and receive my postcards!

    • Thank you for joining the swap and for your kind words, I’m so glad you found me online! I hope my future posts inspire you as well.

  8. I had so much fun in the spring! I’m super excited to get started for the fall swap!
    Thanks Hanna!

  9. The combination of finding a postcard from a past swap and working on some new ones last weekend had me thinking about this swap and then -oh happy day it was in my mailbox. Happy Fall 2017 Its a lovely sunrise here today.

  10. I am so excited! I’ve been following you for a while, and participated in the swap once before.

    I joined a Scandinavian Heritage Society recently, and have been learning about all kinds of new things. My great grandparents were from Sweden, so I’m eager to learn more. I’ve always participated in a St. Lucia Fest since I was a child. I love singing and playing the songs on the violin. But, I’m eager to learn more! Do you have any suggestions for good Swedish or Scandinavian music to learn?

    • Music to learn… hmm… Not sure what you mean, lyrics or to play on an instrument, or to listen to? There are a lot of great Swedish music, and playlists to check out on Spotify for example. Hope you find something that you like.

  11. I missed the spring swap so I’m definitely am in this time around! Pulling out the glitter and glue soon!

  12. I read every single blog and email from you. I wish I could cheer you up as much as you cheer me! This will be my 5th (I think) swap. I love making the cards as much as I love receiving them.

  13. Oooohhh!! I knew you embroidered but I did not know you were having an exhibition! So exciting! I am also thrilled about the postcard swap = I have participated in three or four and I love making the cards but mostly I love getting them from all over the world!
    Thank you Hanna for putting this together!

  14. Love your website and all that it has to offer. So many ways to be creative, so many ways to learn something new that I’d never think of doing and in trying open up a whole new world of ideas. Thanks so much for offering these opportunities. Did the postcard swap last Spring and oh, so much fun receiving these surprises in the mail! I’ve got to get on the ball and spend more time surveying your website. Thanks for everything.

  15. I’m so glad that you are hosting this “event” once again. Yes, for me it is an event; an artistic endeavour for others. I normally just work in my sketchbook so it is good for me to switch things up and make some mail art. I too love walking out to my mailbox and retrieving some awesome art created from around the world.

    Cheers and thanks ever so much Hanna


    • Best endorsement ever Brenda, thank you right back! It’s a big thing for me too, this swap thing I created, and indeed an event I look forward to.

      Thanks for joining once again, and for your sweet words.

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