Collage Carnival – cut and paste your way to Creative Heaven – a video book review

I love new, pretty books and I’ve written quite a lot of book reviews over the years, but I have never done a video book review before… So this is a first for me, making a video about a book that I’m really excited about. But this is such a visual feast, I just had to show it to you. The book is called Collage Carnival – A Book to Colour, Cut & Paste Your Way to Creative Heaven by pattern designer Lizzie Lees.

Collage Carnival by Lizzie Lees

When you see this happy yellow cover, you will probably understand why I felt so happy when I got this gem in the mail…

Collage Carneval is an activity books for grown ups (and kids) who love pretty papers, glitter, creative play and to cut and paste papers. Inside you’ll find coloring pages, patterned paper that you can pull out and use, fun illustrations and quite a few guides to make depicting collages of little bits of patterned paper.

Collage Carnival is filled with pretty papers

You can use it to make postcards, greeting cards, journal pages, wall hangings, or simply find inspiration for setting up a play date with yourself. I’m in the admire phase right now, but I would really like to use this book eventually.

And without further ado, here is the video format book review! Please let me know in the comments if you enjoyed this and would like to see more like it from me?!

Collage Carnival – a book review by iHanna – click link if you can’t see the clip above.

I’m such a newbie at talking on video in this format, and then trying to edit it a bit to shorten it. Was it too long? Are you on YouTube yourself, and if so, are you subscribed to my YouTube channel? What kind of YouTube videos do you enjoy the most? I’m a huge fan of anything that is about journaling and notebooks, so I think that’s where I want to move my own channel too: doing some flip through videos, filming my cut and paste work, and such. :-)

Gimme feedback please, below or in the comments at YouTube. Thanks!

Collage Carnival activity book for grown ups (and kids) who loves cut and paste - presented in this video book review by iHanna #collage

Collage Carnival – Further inspiration

Have a great day in your creative heaven!

8 Responses

  1. Great video! I loved how you started it by shoving aside your scissors and things, it was so you!!! And I loved hearing your voice, this is the first time I’ve heard your voice in many years of following you. I want to get this book!! I also liked how it was collage carnival and you had a song about a carnival playing at the end. Cheers!

  2. Thank you very much for the video review, Hanna. It is very nice to put a voice to a face. The book does look exciting! Many happy collaging hours to you!

  3. Great video, Hanna!! I would love more videoreviews from you and I’ve got a big need for that book, too! Happy friday from Norway:D

  4. Hi Hanna, I enjoyed the video! It’s so strange to hear your voice after all these years. As Suzi already said, the beginning where you pushed everything aside to make room for the book was so You! I watch a lot of YouTube “how to” videos, mostly about how too fix stuff in my house, and I would love to see you mix it up and do videos on some of the interesting projects you are always working on. My attention span is often too short – I like videos that are five minutes or less. I look forward to “hearing” from you in the future!

  5. This book looks like some serious eye candy, and I can see why you wouldn’t want to cut into it right away. Loved the video review! Might have been a little shorter, but I did want to keep looking at the book…guess I’ll buy it! :) And I love that we are experiencing more of YOU, your personality, voice, hands, creative environment in video…it makes me feel more connected to you than just reading your blog….which I also love! XO

  6. Sooo good to hear your voice! Now I can bring back lively memories whenever I want to :)
    I especially liked it when you said: “…this makes me want to cut out EVERYthing…” Ja! That’s my Hanna :)
    Great review – yes, do more.

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