Blue Handmade Postcards

I’m working on my handmade postcard pile for the DIY Postcard Swap and printed the postcard backsides already. As I get into the process of card-making I get really, really excited about the spring swap again! How about you, are you making postcards already? If not, it’s time to start right now!

Blog post title Blue Handmade Postcard for iHanna's DIY Postcard Swap

I think I’ll sew the printed side to the back of the collages I’m making, using the sewing machine. But I haven’t had time to photograph them yet, so I thought I’d share some very blue postcards from last year. They’re made by my mom who likes to join in on the fun of postcard swapping each year…

Mom's Love Spring Postcard

Mom's Blue DIY Postcards

DIY Postcard Think Big and Love

She made simple backgrounds with a few scrapbook papers and then added fun elements from both her and my stash of stamps, papers and stickers!

Mom's Blue Think Big Postcard
Mom's Blue Owl Postcard
Mom's Love DIY Postcard

Do it yourself postcards is an awesome outlet for creative play. There are so many ways to fill a surface, but the most important thing, if you ask me, is to do something that you yourself thing looks great.

My mom’s favorite color is blue
, as you can tell by this batch from last year. She added owl stickers, blue glitter and cut out words, printed from the internet or found in magazines.

DIY Postcard Bird and Heart

Document your process

Some of the fun of making postcards is about documenting them each year. Mom snapped a few photos with her phone camera, but I got out my big girl camera (it’s a Nikon) and snapped these photos.

I painted and altered vintage postcards last year, you can see mine here and here.

Mom’s Handmade Postcard Pile

Mom's Pile of Blue Postcards

And if you want to sign up for the postcard swap this year, you can still join in and make your cards on time.

Sign up for the Postcard Swap ASAP, or join my newsletter to be notified when the next one starts.

7 Responses

  1. oh what gorgeous cards! i’ve been debating if i could find the time to do the swap this year. a few days ago i decided “MAKE the time!” and so i have ;) this will be my 3rd (in a row) swap. thanks for doing it hanna-it’s too much fun to miss out on!!

  2. Love your blue theme this year! Love your documentation, too. I’m doing all alcohol ink abstracts of the desert this year. Finished my 10, but doing a few extras just in case. Now I have to start putting postcard backs on them.

  3. Very nice! I like her blue/bird theme. When I first signed up for this swap, years ago now, I had never made art in a series–a whole group of pieces that were tied together by color or theme. It was a great artistic exercise, and started me on a wonderful journey! I am happy to be participating again this spring.

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