She’s a Bitch

When a man gives his opinion, he’s a man. When a woman gives her opinion, she’s a bitch.
Bette Davis

Enter the giveaway! Just join Stitched 2015 - and you can win this sewing machine!

Last week ended up a whole blank week around here. What? Nine days with no posts from me and my corner of the world. I’m not even sure when that happened last, maybe a few years ago? I usually try to post something, no matter what is going on in my life, because a blog needs content. And I am a content provider…

Host, host

But last week I gave up even thinking about writing a blog post, yes all of it. I gave up on sitting by the computer. On Monday I felt like I had the fever, but thought it was just a thing that would pass quickly. Boy was I wrong. I’ve been down for over a week, with a real bitch of a cough. I learned that I got hit with a real flu epidemic. So I just rested, drank water, ate oranges – and rested some more. A lot of random surfing happened. I was reading other people’s blog post a bit, and rested. It was the kind of week when you don’t want to even open a book and can’t even doodle. I just bitstripped myself on facebook, to get some people to feel sorry for me so I wouldn’t have to do that all by myself. It helped a bit. (I still love that app. My life in bitstrips is lovely, even when I’m sick.)

Amyway, it’s March already. Hello new week, new month, and hopefully spring… I’m popping in to share a new lovely Inspiration Mosaic, and to do a “light start” of the month.

Inspiration Mosaic February 2015
Inspiration mosaic February 2015, collected at by iHanna.
Click image to view individual creators or here to view mosaic big.

Oh, and who wouldn’t want a fuchsia colored sewing machine in their house? I would die to own it! You can win it if you join the workshop STITCHED 2015 right now. Read my post about my Video Workshop part here. It’s in full swing right now.

If I feel better I’ll be back real soon with a new post with something more fun. What have you been up to?

Until then, take care!

18 Responses

  1. Please feel better soon. I had the same thing for 12 days and finally dragged myself to the doctor. He noticed that the flu was gone, but now I had a sinus infection, and ear infection and bronchitis. He gave me big pills and after four days, I feel like going to the studio again. It was the first time, ever, I haven’t wanted to be in the studio. Please rest, we miss you, but we want you healthy!

  2. Awww! Poor you! So many people around me are sick, too. Miserable! Feel better soon! You’ve been missed!

  3. I read lots of people who were stuck to their beds with the flu… luckely, it passed me by (fingers crossed….!) Don’t ‘run’ too soon after a week of illness… take all the rest you need and hopefully you feel energetic soon!

  4. Hope you feel better soon. Been going through the same thing and was a bit relieved that I had just preplanned a bunch of posts on my blog so I wouldn’t go missing there, haha.
    Take the time to get better. I’m back at work, but only working half days. I just don’t have the energy yet, even though I feel much better. Good luck.

  5. Hugs from Texas, Hanna! I thought your Bitstrip was a cute way to communicate your situation. Feel better soon, creative one.

  6. I’m glad you reached out even when you felt horrible!!
    Are you feeling better?
    I don’t know if I follow you on FB. I’m not on there much, and I have an alias there so my past doesn’t find me. But I’ll have to go see what you posted!

    You are an intrepid blogger and a creative inspiration! I hope you are doing great.

  7. Aw, poor Hanna…I’m so sorry you’ve been down with the flu. So many people have been struck by so much sickness this season. Spring HAS to get here soon, and warmer temperatures have to clear all these germs away. Sending hugs and warm wishes!

  8. Hi Hanna…I hope you are doing much better now. You will bounce back. Can’t keep a good artist down for long :) I have been out of the loop myself but hope to get back at my blog.
    Take care of you!

  9. Dear hanna, i am looking out for you every night. “She’s a bitch” is your last post, still. I hope that everything is ok. Sending you a lot of love, regula

    • Thanks to all of you who asked about me, you are so darling all of you! I’m fine – and finally posted a new blog post – yay! See ya around sweet ones!

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