Art Journal Peek: Starburst

I believe that we learn new things by doing. If you want to learn how to be more creative, you’ve got to start doing something. It is really great to be allowed (in the form of classes, prompts or nudges) to imitate someone else’s personal style, and to learn from them. And last week I learned how to create a Starburst for journaling from Tammy! Mine looks like this:

The Art Journal Starburst

I created my personal version of the Art Journal Starburst inside my Diamond Stitched Journal even before watching Tammy’s video, because I got so excited when she announced her new Art Journal Series called Tangents, where you got to see a photos of upcoming prompts. The first prompt is called Starburst!

Scanned Starburst for Free

The Art Journal Starburst is simply a circle in the middle and then lines shining outwards to the edge of the page. Fill the sections with what ever colors, words and patters you like most!

I tend to love simple ideas like this one the best, because there are so many variations you could do from that idea. You could fill an entire journal with this idea and each page would end up looking very different.

Finished Starburst

I colored mine with mostly watercolors, but also with my Promarker pens, and really liked the result! I even scanned it before journaling/writing inside the spaces, thinking I might want to use it to journal in again… If you want this version of a Starburst you can download and print it below, because I uploaded it as a pdf. All I aks is that if you print it and use it in some way, please share a picture of it with me, for example on your Facebook page and if you mention Studio iHanna I can see it too.

Here is my finished Starburst:

Starburst with handwriting

Starburst tutorial

If you want to make one too here is Tammy’s video and tutorial. I quite enjoyed watching her watercolour hers in, much more loosely than I did mine this time (I might try a not so straight approach next time). There are also links to more starburts. Yum!

Also, my last DaisyYellow-inspiration turned into a pattern of Yellow & Pink Daisies! Fun fun fun!

** Free Download of iHanna’s Starburst (PDF)

7 Responses

  1. Beautiful version of the starburst prompt! I had so much fun with this I made two! I like your colours and liked seeing how you journaled in different colours of pen.

  2. this is utterly beautiful but the best part is how much you enjoyed the process, and how excited you are! and you are SO RIGHT that the way to learn is to do!!! ♥

  3. your startburst looks amazing – love how you added in so much writing – something I struggled with. Beautiful work!!

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