Video Inspiration for Creating Postcards

It’s Creating Postcards Time around here!

Another pile of awesome postcards, made by iHanna for the iHanna DIY Postcard Swap 2014. Visit to watch the video inspiration by Hanna Andersson #diypostcardswap

I put together a video of me and my friend making postcards together. We were painting, gluing down tissue paper and having a blast! Later I came back to my pile and added some word poetry. I think I will have to bore you guys with a third installment about these postcards (the first post is here: Postcards in the making), because I want to share a few photos too. But for now, watch the video and please let me know what you think in the comments!

Creating Postcards together

Click play to watch.

I hope the video Creating DIY Postcards (posted on Vimeo and also to my YouTube Channel) inspires you to bring out the paints this weekend!

E-mails has been sent out to all swap participants. My postcards are labeled and signed. All is good in the world.

By the way, even if you’re not in a swap (the DIY Postcard Swap is closed right now but feel free to sign up for my Newsletter to be notified about the next one), why not paint a postcard for a friend, a nice co-worker or a far away family member?

It’s always fun to get a surprise in the mail box, don’t you think?

20 Responses

  1. This has been so fun can’t wait for the next one! I love sending mail and have a ton extra! We are headed out of town today and will bring my extras and make some more for my friends and family!!!
    Can’t wait til I get mine in the mail!!!

    • Thanks Meghan for joining and sharing your enthusiasm. Comments like this is what makes me want to do this swap all over again right away, but I think we’ll wait until after the summer, huh? ;-)

    • Thanks Sophie! A few years back there were just plain tissue paper in the stores here, but now, OMG: so many awesome papers to chose from. I love when I find a new one with polka dots, and I can’t pass it. It’s addictive.

  2. You are too much! “Too Much” is a compliment, it’s African American slang from the ’40’s and ’50’s. As an old commercial photographer, I want to see some GOOD photos of your houseboat. I’m still skeptical that you are anchored on a crocadile tributary off Darwin harbor. The music for your video is perfect. What glue do you like? I’m using Elmer’s All Purpose Glue Stick, applied heavily and pressed down by putting the card under a book cover and standing on it.

    • Thanks Michael, for sending me pictures of your postcards and leaving such a nice comment on my video post.
      But I do think you’ve got me mixed up with Natalie of The Smallest Forest Blog (one of my favorite bloggers who linked to my swap recently). She lives on a House boat near the Australian coast line! I, Hanna, the person who hosts this postcard swap, live in Sweden in a much less adventures place, a small apartment close to Stockholm.

  3. Thanks for the video inspiration! I want to join in one of these days, but I’m a little intimidated. I’m more of a knitting, sewing, beading type. But I like the idea of this, and scrapbooking, too — just don’t know how to get started!

    • Glad you liked the video!

      Once there were knitted postcards in this swap, and there are lots of ways to make sewn postcards too. My mom had done fabric and lace postcards, and once combined paper and fabric for her postcards. Lots of options to play!

      Stephanie, be brave the next time and join in the postcard swap!

    • Thanks Ann! Oh how fun to host a huge postcard painting party… I’d love that! I wish I could invite you and everyone and set the table with tissue paper, glitter and paint. It really is fun to create together with friends.

  4. Wonderful video! Very inspiring. Love the colours and the cards. Thanks so much for hosting the swap!

  5. I loved the video and the music. Your resulting postcards were so pretty. Do you live on a houseboat? How wonderful! That sounds like so much fun. My swap postcards went out yesterday and I cannot wait to get mine. Happy Weekend!

  6. Ooh! This was delightful! Love all of that tissue paper goodness! I am hoping to be a lucky recipient! 😉 Great music too! Love this swap!!

  7. Absolutely fabulous!!! Such inspiration! And, yet, my cards went out today! I’ll just have to start making more for the next time!

  8. They are like a breath of fresh air, so bright and cheerful. I love these swaps Hanna. Thanks so much for hosting them.

  9. This looks so cool. I very much want to get involved next time. I’ll keep an eye out for the announcement but I think I’ll start making some now. I think I read on your blog to use the standard size postcard dimensions so that will give me some guide line as to size. Thanks for the video.

  10. looking forward to the 3rd installment ;) these are gorgeous hanna! colorful and fun!! i love that dotted tissue paper. i mailed my postcards may 1st and can’t wait till i start finding postcards in MY mailbox. this was so much fun hanna, thank you for doing it-i am hooked! is your next swap in the fall?

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