Quick Craft | Stamping & Coloring in

What the New Year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the New Year.
Vern McLellan

Clear stamps button girls

On scraps of watercolor paper I did some idea sketching, and mentioned that scrap papers can be used in a lot of fun ways. You could stamp your own note paper, for instance.

Button Girl stamped (Copyright Hanna Andersson)

These printer scrap papers are perfect for the kind of thank you-notes I always include when I ship sold items from my shop!

I have this set of clear stamps that I really really like. They are simple buttons and silly girly figures. Figures that express a childish joy that I find compelling. A joy I want to cultivate!

Keep Calm and Craft ON baby

I could do something cool on the computer and print a million copies, but for now I really like including a little handwritten note – with a colored in stamped design on. And I like that the paper is recycled from other projects. Little scraps of paper finding a new form of life.

Making a stamped notepad (Copyright Hanna Andersson)

Stamping and using your stamps

With all the mixed media I do, I often forget to incorporate stamping. It’s just not in my creative DNA for some reason, and the few stamps I own are hidden away in boxes on my shelf and even when brought out into the light they are not as magic to me as other creative tools and materials. But these stamps, I simply love!

Some images you like more than others. Some images have a way of finding your heart and staying there, building a nest there. I think that is the case with these clear stamp designs.

I really like that the dolls are patterned with stripes, dots and flowers, because that makes it super fun to bring out some ink…

Coloured in Button Girls (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
…and color the stamped design in, using the still much used (and loved) pitt pens.

Quick, cute and easy! Give it a try, if you have forgotten stamps that needs some love too. What do you do with your stamps, if you have any?

7 Responses

  1. Have you ever tried to make your own stamps? I’m learning and it’s a ton of fun. You might like it. I got Julie Balzer’s book and haven’t been able to stop. I wrote about it on my blog today!

    I haven’t tried coloring my stamps in, though. I’ll definitely try that.

    • Thanks Claudia, and yes I have carved a few stamps myself, and it IS fun, but like I say in the post, stamping doesn’t come naturally to me so I don’t use my stamps very often. Yours are very cool!

  2. I hoard stamps like a fiend! I have rubber stamps, kid’s stamps, recycled stamps, homemade stamps…. I just love them and use them whenever I can!

  3. I do like your stamps, and you have pretty colours too! I bought some tiny letter stamps today so I can try some art journalling. However, despite having stamps I am similar in that I don’t really use them at all. I keep looking at them and thinking “I could draw that myself!” Maybe its time, as another comment suggested, that I try to make some of my own this year…….

    • This is not a product review, but if I know where something can be bought I will linke there. So these are not new, and bought in Sweden… I don’t think they are even sold anymore. Sorry.

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