Another New Journal I love a fresh start, don’ you? A few years ago when I was at the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham… Categories Crafts/Creativity & Life/Journaling & Notebooks
Making Luna Lapin – a book by Sarah Peel Last year my mom (who loves sewing and quilting) bought the book Making Luna Lapin by Sarah Peel, and we got… Categories Fabric & Sewing/Read a book
Make Jewelry from Wood Beads A great Summer Craft Idea, is bringing out a bowl of painted wood beads, and stringing them together to make wood… Categories Crafts
Typography in 3D Feminism’s agenda is basic: It asks that women not be forced to “choose” between public justice and private happiness. It asks… Categories Paper Crafting
Quick Craft | Stamping & Coloring in What the New Year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the New Year. Vern… Categories Paper Crafting
Quick Craft: Glue A Thing Ring I love a quick fix of creativity every now and then. This is a ring I put together in five minutes… Categories Crafts
Time to use these Cute Fabrics It’s easy to hold our great ideas hostage, or to talk them away into things we’ll do someday, or wanted to… Categories Fabric & Sewing
Adventures in the garden Photo-shoot in the garden, featuring a small pink creature I made this week in moms sewing room. Mom made a big… Categories Fabric & Sewing/Photography
Scottish patterned teddy bears A couple of weeks ago I drew a pattern of a little bear, and cut it out in a fabric I… Categories Crafts/Fabric & Sewing
How to Sew a Cat Bed When we brought Smilla the cat home the first time I realized that we didn’t have a bed for her. We… Categories Fabric & Sewing/Tutorials