DIY Calendar | Cream Colored Pages

I’m a wee bit calendar obsessed right now, because it’s January and a whole glorious year is ahead of us! I thought I’d share a bit about what kind of paper I’m using in these calendar ring binders I made:

iHanna's DIY Planner Ideas at

I replaced the first ring binder that I’ve used for several years now with a new one! The first one had a glorious glitter-pink cover, but as you can see it is not as pretty as it used to be back in 2011… When the spine started to break away I decided to use another ring binder, cut it down and cover it with a new pretty paper as described previously. I picked a vintage rose design wall paper, because I love shabby chic rose patterns (and also this paper has a plastic overlay to it that makes it perfect as a cover).

Inside it I am using cream colored printer papers that I adore using!

January 2014 Planner Pages from iHanna

Cream colored paper (the Fashion brand named these colors cream and vanilla), and paper in most other hues, are available in well stocked office supply stores or to order online. They are often a bit more costly than regular white printer paper, but one package of 500 papers will suffice for a few years. To me it simply adds a bit of luxury to my printable calendar pages!

Cream colored paper
I’ve got two versions, one is regular 80 grams/m2 and the other one is a lovely 120 grams/m2 which makes it a bit sturdier. Yum!

I print the calendar pages one sided, and then use the back/left side for notes from the week. The notes can be found quotes, doodles, to do-lists for the week, ideas, lecture notes or interview questions for articles. Here are a few older pages that gives you an idea on how my planner can look:

Collecting QuotesWork Notes in the DIY Calendar

This series of posts about my do it yourself calendar ideas is growing even longer than I had planned for! I have a few more posts in the pipe, I hope you don’t mind. I think it is a unmet need (in me) to write about my DIY Planner that I am finally taking the time for!

Post it Reminders and Lecture Doodles

My calendar is a work book for my life! It’s not always pretty, but it is always helpful to keep it close and use it often. The more I use it, the more I feel in charge of my days, my weeks, and my life. Inside I keep track of projects, wishes, ideas, work and daily accomplishments. Since I made my own version of a calendar I love using it more than ever!

You can get your own version of my printable calendar pages here. Let me know if you have any questions.

DIY Calendar Divider
Previous posts in this series of DIY Calendar Inspiration includes: why I love my planner, making dividers and creating index tabs

6 Responses

  1. Happy New Year, Hanna! As always – I feel inspired after visiting your site. I followed the link in this post and immediately got a strong desire to make a planner myself, so thank you for the excellent tutorial for the planner/calendar! I just wonder: what do you do with the pages when the year comes to an end? If I understand you right, you reuse the binder a few years, so what happens to all the wonderful pages filled with notes, thoughts, lists and ideas when you start a new year? Maybe you have been posting about this before; if so please link to that post. The lack of good ideas for how to store previous years calendar content has made me stick to planners with fixed pages and hard cover – because I want to be able to go back and find old notes, sketches, recipes etc… Long comment from me – but have you any thoughts on this? Or do you simply throw away the old pages?

    Have a happy, creative day :-)

  2. Oh I am obsessed with my calender in my hot pink Filofax too…ove to see what others do with their planners!
    Have a great start in your weekend – Irma

  3. It’s *so* ok if you want to keep talking planners… I’m obsessed too! (In fact, I just drafted another post about my new planner…)

  4. you are obsessive about calendars like me. I completely understand. Good idea to have that space on the back for notes. I love to make lists, and I am always taking notes for everything! {:-D

  5. I don’t mind at all if you share more posts about your planner/calendar :)
    So, where did you buy the cream colored paper?! (especially the 120g)
    Tack & cheers!

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