365 Collages | Week 50 | The Wild Edition

Collage: Future and Past by iHanna, 2013 (Copyright Hanna Andersson, do not re-blog or re-post to other sites!)
Future and Past

We are now in week 51 of 52 weeks, and 2013 is near the end and we are closing in on the beginning of a new year. I have been making collages this entire year, and I still love cut and paste. Maybe more today than I did a year ago.

As usual on a Tuesday I’m posting 7 new square collages that I made last week. This means I am up to date with my most elaborate art project ever, and I feel very happy about it!

Please take the time to post a comment below, letting me know what you think of my collages. Find a favorite and tell me why you like it, or find one that you don’t like at all – and let me know why. Thanks!

Collage: Birth and Death
Birth and Death

Collage: Time to take a Walk
Time to take a Walk

Collage: Waiting For Snow
Waiting for Snow

Collage: Dear Summer
Dear Summer

Collage: Becoming Beautiful all in Good Time (Copyright Hanna Andersson, Sweden)
Becoming Beautiful all in Good Time

Collage: Friendship is Magic (Copyright Hanna Andersson, do not re-blog or re-post to other sites!)
Friendship is Magic

Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment for me! Happy GIT!

This is a post in my series 365 Collages in 2013 | Plan Your Own 365 Project | About my Creative Process | Previously: Week 49 | Next Up: Week 51

21 Responses

  1. “All good thingss are wild and free”: this is one of my favourite quote (by Ralph Waldo Emerson). And your “wild collages” are good, too! :)
    I expecially like “Birth and death” and “Waiting for snow”. Love wild animals!

    • Yum, that sure is a nice quote that I like a lot too. Thanks for leaving a comment! Happy Advent times to you!

  2. You know how I feel about you and your collages … I love each and everyone of them! I love your sense of color, composition, playfulness and cool factor! Merry Christmas :)

  3. My two favorites are “Birth and Death” and “Time to Take a Walk”.
    I love the expression on the lion’s face and his tail swinging into the upper corner. He is having a very good time!

  4. My favorites this time are waiting for snow, friendship is magic and becoming beautiful all in good time. And all the others. :-)

  5. another nice collection of collagesd- my fave- Dear Summer- because I want to finish that with “when will you get here again”???? It ‘s so cold and snowing yet again here and me no likey one bit. Happy GIT!

  6. I love Birth and Death and Waiting for Snow. Very beautiful colors, and I love the center focus on the animals.

  7. These are REALLY fun – I love the use of the animals. They fit the color schemes perfectly. I started out on track with you and kept up most of the year. Then the holidays hit and I fell behind…..I haven’t made time for a collage since before Thanksgiving! Yikes!! I will finish the project, it just might creep into 2014 a tiny bit. I plan to continue next year (I love the focus it gives me) and I don’t want to start off the year behind! :) Thanks for such a great idea and the constant inspiration. Your blog is such a delight to follow.

  8. I LOVE “Future & Past”…something about that B&W sun just draws me right in & the patterns (love those painted spots!) & colors all work so well together! All are beautiful & congrats on your year of beautiful collages!! So impressive!

  9. I love all your collages. They always inspire me to grab the glue stick and GO!

  10. Time to take a Walk is my favourite: colours, fish, mountains, paint dots.

  11. They are lovely! Dear Summer and Waiting for Snow are my favourites. Well done on your year long collage project.

  12. “waiting for snow”……because it has so many different papers, patterns, textures & the colours work to make a pleasing picture.

    i would like to say “well done” to every one participating in this challenge.

    it has been an enjoyable learning process. one i will continue in some way.
    making time to create something every day has become a priority.
    thanks for the inspiration hanna.

  13. looks like you had some animal magazines of something! When you speak about blocks of collages, it makes me think of what I’ll be starting to do: blocks of fabric for quilts. I guess you can cut these babies up for piecing, just like a quilt. Or place them together… you’d need a large wall! {:-Deb

  14. I love “Future and Past” because the growing stuff at the bottom just intrigues me with the overall composition. And of course, “Friendship is Magic” because of the return of the imaginary boyfriend! Love him!

  15. I really love this edition, with all the animals and other natural images and colours. “Time to Take a Walk”, “Dear Summer”, and “Becoming Beautiful All in Good Time” especially stand out for me. I love the map that you used in “Dear Summer” and the leaves in “Becoming Beautiful.”

  16. I know you posted this a long time ago, but I happened across your blog and have to tell you how much I LOVE YOUR COLLAGES! They are so wonderful! I also do collage and enjoy seeing other’s works. Wow…I love the papers you used and everything about them. Collage is such a wonderfully relaxing art form…I collect tons of papers and then have so much fun cutting, pasting and arranging. Thank you for sharing and you also have such a nice blog.
    Take care…Janet

    • Thank you Janet for taking the time to comment! Since this series I have done another 365 collages in 2018 that are all up on the blog as well, and I am thinking maybe it is time to do another year of collages next year? I kind of miss it now that I have had a break from doing so many in a year.

      Keep cutting & Pasting!

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