Gathering and Saving tis’ Season

Hello there

I took my camera for a walk this weekend, to not just have the instagram fall photos when winter comes. To gather and save how magically beautiful sunshine on yellow leafs are.

Autumns pattern

To get some fresh air in between intense creating going on around here. Preparing postcards for the DIY Swap (you can still sign up!), knitting on a cardigan that I’m excited about, trying out new creative tools that I ordered online, listening to podcasts and thinking of November that soon will be here…

Autumn 2013

I have new energy and feel inspired by everything, even by the thought of November. November is Create Every Day Month and also NaNoWriMo, something that I am thinking about way too much. Does it mean I should give it a try even though I don’t really have the time right now? I long to write more. I want to give it a try again, seven years later… Where did all that time disappear?

Orange Ocean

Maybe gathering and saving the season in photos is the only thing I can do to freeze some time. To save the moment beauty and store it away in a hidden place. And to enjoy the moment of course. That’s my goal anyway.

Green vein pattern

Gathering patterns, and colours, and textures by photographing them selfishly and then sharing them willingly.

Spotted leafs

I really like my new camera, a Nikon D5200. We’re becoming friends. Not best friends just yet, but I think we will get there eventually.

Green veins

By the way. If you want to have my best autumn craft tip I recommend you make some leaf roses. Tis’ the season for that and they’re super fun to make.

Berberis bush

What creative adventures are you planning for? What do you do when you want to do too much?

5 Responses

  1. I have to tell you I’ve just discovered your blog and I am lovin’ it! I’m only 15 years old so you’re a big inspiration for me. Thank you and please keep doing this good work :)

  2. Beautiful Photos
    They look like Beech leaves? Last Sunday I was out and took a ton of photos of our Beech leaves in the citrus green hue that they were, every day it changes- the beauty of nature. Shadows are longer and earlier every day right now.
    Re: ‘to much I want to do?’ . . . I make a list and take a walk.

  3. Your photos are absolutely gorgeous, Hanna! We’ve been living on a beautiful sub-tropical island for the past 5 years, and while I love the beauty of ocean life, I miss my autumn colors (and snow!) Thanks for sharing your lovely fall photos!

    I’m knee-deep in Christmas crafting and presents at the moment and will be facing that panicky time of needing to get the gifts in the mail in the next couple of weeks (we live half the globe away from our families, so the packages have to be mailed extra early.) Despite being slightly overwhelmed with life, the times when I’m the busiest seem to be the times when I come up with the “perfect” ideas I want to create. Since I don’t have the time to tackle them at the moment, I add them to my crafty to-do list and turn up the Christmas music as I tackle what needs to be done now. That’s what I’m doing right now, when I want to do too much. :)

    Thanks again for sharing your beautiful photos!
    Big hugs!

  4. What beautiful photos! I love seeing fall through your eyes. Even when I travel, I make sure to stop by your site. Wish I could do the postcard swap this year, but my work and travel schedule in November is horrendous. But will be thinking fondly of those great postcards!

  5. I love fall and I enjoyed your beautiful photos. Yesterday we had a strong wind here in Oregon, USA and trees that were lush with beautiful leaves the day before became close to being bare. This season always comes and goes much too fast. Thank you for sharing your lovely photos. It’s a good way to remember the brilliant colors.

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