Make a Mark | Continuing with the Link Love

It’s May already, but we press on with some Link Love, because these are some links worth visiting!

Make a Mark | Five must visit links

Have you read Patti Smith’s book Just Kids yet? If not, you should. It’s a great novel/biography about love and friendship. And about being an artist, being with an artist – and finding your own way. I love that book!

The video below is from the Lousiana Art Channel where you’ll find a lot of great inspiration.

More links to inspiring stuff at Tammy’s Link Love – the Mission, I think it will continue in May.

7 Responses

  1. I have just added ‘Just Kids’ to my Goodreads bist…I don’t know how I used to keep track of books before Goodreads!

    The Alisa Burke post was a good one, I am going to go check out your other links. :)

  2. I love Patti Smith, and thought “Just Kids” was a fabulous book! Thanks for sharing these cool links.

  3. Thanks for the links! I adore Patti Smith, she is such a wise woman. Looking around I find inspiration all over your blog!

    I think you are a great inspiration. After reading your blog I leave with the feeling: – Yeah I´m gonna continue to do what I love! Because she does, and it is obviously working!

  4. Hanna….great links!!! Loved the Patti Smith video and will look for her book! Alisa is always very inspiring! I hope you are having a creative week :)

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