Celebrating Nine Years of Blogging

What you do every day matters more than what you do once in a while.
Gretchen Rubin

Cupcakes x 1000

When a a Blog turns Nine Years Old that is old. Ooooold I tell ya! Reeeally really old in the blogosphere. Especially since it’s on the same domain (ihanna.nu) being written by the same I, Hanna. There has been a lot of changes since the first years of course, but still. Still blogging and going strong, stilla after all these years – for nine years in a row. So freeking crazy – and crazy awesome – at the same time!

The person who is keeping that blog, who is finding new things to write about every freekin’ week (yes these days almost daily), must consider those years and look back on such a day as today. To ponder the hugeness of it a bit. Remember thinking What is this monster I have created? but also the feeling of immense joy it all has given. All the hard work, all the hours. Oh let’s not count the hours. Anyway. My blogging has giving me so much and still does.

The statistics of this blog could make a grown girl cry. Just consider this one number for now: 17.000 comments, and not a single one of those from a hater. It’s all kindness and love and you guys.

I ♥ you for reading this!

I just keep writing. I don’t consider that a great accomplishment most of the time, but today I realize I should. I should be prouder and feel more confident. I will work on that. That’s what I’m thinking about today. The nine years of blogging that has passed, with me on the same domain writing about my favorite topics, still, most all fitting under the roof of “A Creative Life”. My creative life.

There is SO much to look back on that it is overwhelming. Such a huge task will have to wait for another day, because I have to go back to work, to write something else (it’s an article for work). But if you need a view or an idea of the grandness of it all I suggest checking my archive of posts; iHanna’s Blog Archive 2004-2013. It’s not just awesome, it’s huge.

My archive is a sweet place of the interwebs, don’t you think? Full of collage, sewing, knitting, journaling, photography, mixed media, DIY projects, ideas, links, tutorials, collaborations, thoughts, doodles, filled notebooks, inspiration, softies, writing ideas, repainted furniture, list prompts, link love, drawings, paintings, embroidery, layout, self published books, craft, art – and everyday creativity.

Thanks for the millionth time to all my sweet readers. Without you this wouldn’t be.


Congratulations on your ninth Blogoversary Dear Blog. You rock!

PS: If you want to have something of me in your book shelf, my blog book A Creative Year from 2007 is still available.

37 Responses

  1. Happy Birthday! Although I rarely post I love to read and look at your blog every day. So much inspiration! Thank you for being here and have many ,many more years doing what you love!

  2. That IS something to celebrate! Happy Blogiversary, Hanna! Yours was one of the first blogs I started reading, way back in 2005. It’s been fun (and beautiful) following your journey, and I still have my treasured copy of your book. Here’s to many more years of blogging to come! XO

  3. Congratulations! you must have been one of the first of the creative blogs and inspired others. Thanks for so much inspiration, and here’s to many more!

  4. Happy Blog-iversary!! I have recently found you via Daisy Yellow & am so glad I did! You are one of my daily morning reads & so very inspiring! Have a wonderful, art-ful day!

  5. Congratulations Hanna! Definitely something to be very proud of! You are an inspiration to so many every day! Life just wouldn’t be the same without iHanna!


  6. Hanna…congratulations on 9 great creative years!!! Love your blog!!! I am inspired every time I visit! May it continue on for many more years!!!

  7. Having a blog for any amount of time is an accomplishment, but 9 years is amazing! Yours is one of the first mixed media blogs I started following. I love how positive, and colorful your posts are. Thanks again for all your hard work, and I look forward to many happy years of following your blog. Congratulations!


  8. I’m coming up on my 7th blog-versary this May and every day I wonder how I am going to keep it up! You’ve been creating fantastic content nonstop and I am deeply appreciative of all the work you do and am inspired to continue my own blog. Thank you!

  9. Congrats, nine years IS a long long time – bravo for still loving it and still inspiring all of us to keep going too! xox

  10. Congrats – 9 years is a very long time for a blog to be going strong! Keep writing, I love seeing your pictures and projects :)

  11. Congratulations and THANK YOU for having one of the nicest blogs out there! It’s got such lovely photos that are like “eye candy”for the creative mind and very inspirational!

  12. Congratulations, dear Hanna! You have made the blogging world a better place, and you’ve taught me so much. Thank you, thank you.

    I love your book. I have read it twice and looked through it a dozen times!

  13. That’s worth celebrating! Congratulations for the inspiration, dedication and downright hard work it takes to reach that accomplishment!

  14. I’m extremely glad you’ve kept at it! Your blog is a great source of inspiration for so many people. You deserve to be loved.

  15. Congratulations. Yes, you should feel proud! Awesome corner of the web here :)

  16. Congrats on 9 years of blogging! Very impressive. You must have had one of the very first blogs going!
    Aloha, Kate

  17. Dear Hanna,
    You are a true inspiration to me. Both for keeping on blogging and for being “creative” every day. I hope i will be able to read you in the coming years for a long time…Happy blogoversary:)

  18. Congratulations! I read your blog since many years and it keeps being one of my all-time-favorites. I am looking forward to read for the next 9 years, i love the creativity and beauty of it very much!

  19. Oooo! 9 years. A big hug to you Hanna. You always have such fresh content and great ideas and inspiration. I’ve been blogging only half that time and know how hard you work. We all thank you for being here on the interwebs ;)

  20. congrats on 9 years… that is just huge… and love your blog so I am sure I will be happily contributing to the next 17000 comments filled with love and admiration…xx

  21. wow, nine years of blogging. you are my hero. i feel like an infant with almost a year under my belt. congratulations and nine more to you!

  22. happy anniversary!!! wow, so many bloggers seem to fade out in time, keep up the good work. also, thanks for hosting another fun postcard swap. i finally got my last card.

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