Art Journal Peek: White pen on flourescent pink

Paint combo
Art Journal doodles and painted waves
Paint in florescent pink is must have!

Right now I’m experimenting and playing in my hand bound journal, adding pink and purple acrylic paint to watercolor paper pages. Painting is the first layer, then comes the doodle day. I work in stages, short spurts of time. Adding lines and swirls using a white pen, and other markers.

Detail of art journal painting

A happy flower. Waves in turquoise, plus pink spaces to write on. Journal away. And a big heart.

Here are a few more close ups of this spread before writing:

Art Journal detail: dots & swirls

Art journal detail: white pen
Swirls, dots and lines. Glitter pens and metallic markers.

Sitting at my messy desk with iced coffee I decide to add in a quote, and then leave the space around the heart for journaling another day.

Writing my own quotes

I will always define my own path and look for the right road. It’s hard sometimes, but at least I wove to try.

Journal page with quote

Florescent pink paves the way!

11 Responses

  1. Which white pen(s) do you recommend? I’ve been so disappointed with white just not showing up on paint.

    • Sassy, try Elmer’s Painters pen in white. I’ve tried them all, and while it’s not perfect (it does dry out after a short while sometimes), it’s the one brand I’ve found to have a nice strong opaque white look, and it’s non-toxic and odorless.
      Hanna, good to see that it’s FLORESCENT pink that you’ve been using, no wonder it pops like that! Must get some! TY!

    • Sassy, I’ve posted a sampler of white pen trials today. I’m often disappointed with my white pens but I love it when it works. They key is to write slooowly. :-)

  2. Love this!! Absolutely love it! I would also like to know which white pen you are using. I’ve used the sharpie paint pens and the Sakura ones, but yours seem to show up better. :-)

  3. Gorgeous! I think I’m going to have to get some fluorescent pink paint and try it out in my journal!

  4. Hi, iHanna. I really enjoyed seeing your journal pages especially since I’ve been craving pink lately. You seem to specialize in pink! Very cool. Now if you translate this into fabric and stitch? That would be very cool too!
    Have a happy holiday season with lots of stitching!
    best, nadia

    • Nadia, thank you commenting and especially for connecting the painted heart with my embroidery because I didn’t! Not sure why, it’s so obvious that this could be a “sketch” used for textile work as well. Thank you!

      Best stitching wishes to you too!

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