Favorite posts from 2011

Last year I wrote a post with my Favorite posts from 2010. While reading back through the whole year I picked out three favorites and I’ve done the same thing this year. Here are 2011 picks:

  • Authenticity in a messy life
    Where I wrote about real life vs. what is shown in a blog post, about being honest in your writing and the fact that you don’t need to share everything even if you are blogging.
  • The Creative Process is a crooked road
    Where I wrote: My answer to the question: where to start? will always be: right here, right now. However you feel like in that moment, just do it! If you still don’t know, sit down and move things around on your desk until you just can’t stand it anymore, until you just have to add something, anything. Then you’re on a roll…
  • On deep writing
    A post I like mostly because deep writing/journaling is an important tool that I think everyone should use, often and again! This December, sitting with my diary and my Lamy Safari pen I’ve fallen in love with the practice of journaling once again. I do it every now and then and it is pure happiness when it happens. Please read that post, and then write, deep or otherwise. Just write!

In last years Favorite Posts post I also posted a self portrait of me sitting in lotus in a empty meditation hall that I had just cleaned. It was a look of how I wanted to feel/look: balanced, meditating and calm. This year, I’m posting one of many many photos that I’ve collected that features me. It’s actually a series of photos, here they are:

I, Hanna happy in 2011
I, Hanna. November 2011.

They show how I’ve been feeling more and more this year. Happy, outside, moving around, dancing, getting on with my life.

Android self portrait This summer I took a series of daily self-portraits with my smart-phone. I actually did it for the entire summer! In June and July I missed two or three days each, but in August I finally nailed one every day and was very pleased. I love looking through all of them, and I’ve added them to my not-yet-finished Photo Book of the Year 2011 that I’m working on! I’ve also bought a remote control to my camera this year and will be experimenting more with self-portraits next year.

For more self documentation, check out this month’s crusade Girls on film!

12 Responses

  1. oooh, LOVE these photos of you!
    girl on film!!!
    love the idea of revisiting favorite posts.
    i’m going to click over and read those now.
    thanks hanna, for always being such a
    loyal and enthusiastic crusader.

  2. Love these pictures of you! They are so happy and fun! Love the posts you looked back on too. Happy new year Hanna! Gott Nytt Ĺr Hanna!

  3. Your authenticity post was a fav of mine. I appreciated the honesty. I love your self-portrait pics – they are so happy & cute. Happy New Year!

  4. Love your photos, Hanna…what a great smile in that first one! Happy New Year to you, and thank you for ALL of your interesting and inspiring posts!

  5. love your series, hanna! So joyful. You daily self-portrait sounds like an interesting project too, hmmmmm. And thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a lovely comment! A warm and creative New year to YoU!

  6. My dear friend, i miss you so much ..
    Thank you so much for your visit.
    I gonna to compile the list like yours too :)
    Wishing you a happy new year !!!

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