Un univers poétique

I am transparent
and writing becomes visible
inside me
words in invisible ink
which appear
when the paper is held to the fire!
Tomas Tranströmer (in translation)

Un univers poétique
So Katze, a painted cat, was inspired by German, and this page in my other art journal got a French header (inspired by a magazine title from an old issue of Marie Claire Idées that I’m cutting up this week). I think the title feels perfect for this dancing, moving landscape.

Un univers poétique. Qui, yes please. My kind of world, especially after the Swedish poet Tranströmer got the Nobel prize in literature this week.

The landscape, with lines to write on, is inspired (again!) by Quinn’s book Raw Art Journaling.

13 Responses

  1. This is beautiful Hanna! I’m always inspired by blues and greens, it makes me want to go create a page in that color palette right now. I have also put the Raw Art book on my Amazon wishlist!

  2. Hanna! How fun to pop in to check what you’ve been up to and see a Katze AND raw art influence…
    You always make my day!!
    Best, tj

  3. Your page is really great! I love the colors, the doodling … and the title goes so well with it!

  4. Such a beautiful page, Hanna…I love the shapes and colors. I enjoy seeing how Quinn’s book is inspiring you to create beautiful pages in your journal.

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