Found doodles

Wall doodles

Found doodles, in big scale format. Art on a wall. Patterns in blue.

Wall doodles
Wall doodles

Kiosk with doodles

Wall art – on someone (else’s?) wall, integrated and fitting on this otherwise rather ugly building. I found this graffiti doodle on a kiosk, almost on the beach.

Kiosk back

Inspiration can be found everywhere, and it is fun to find it in unusual places.

Wall doodles

I took a few quick photos, because I think this doodle art is funky and quite inspirational.

What do you think?

14 Responses

  1. Graffiti can be very interesting sometimes.
    I like the first set of photo: the doodling looks like an amusement park…

  2. Hi Hanna,

    You will see some really nice ones (although the cops don’t think so) driving on the 5 freeway towards Los Angeles:) You are right, this would look nice too transferred on paper, cut up in little triangle strips and roll them into paper beads. Thank you for the visit, you made my day! Janice

  3. Hi Hanna…you always have the most interesting things to blog about :) As they say, art is everywhere! I also loved reading about your new books…I have slowed down on purchasing books. I have been considering Sarah A’s new book. Now, that the weather is cooling off here, I’m thinking of getting my embroidery out again :)

  4. I’m always fascinated by graffiti, as well as other expressions of public art, like the many murals we have in Philadelphia and some amazing mosaic works.

  5. I really like this. I love it that something was made more beautiful. And I love how you put it: Found Doodles!

  6. Wow! That’s great! Will “they” remove it or will it be allowed to stay on the building? I’m so glad that you are still here. For some reason my blog roll hasn’t updated your link in two months. Hmmmm. Anyhow, glad you’re still posting. :)

    • Kimberly, thanks for commenting! Try unsubscribing to my blog and then subscribing to the new feed at – that should update your reader when I post! I had to move to a new server etc. and made some changes. Glad you found your way here anyway. See ya around!

  7. What a creative way to doodle. Normally I am not in favour of grafitti, but sometimes there are real artists at work and it is more than just making markings on a wall. These pictures show a genius at work! Wouldn’t it be great to work on that grand scale…

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