Winter is my favorite season


The streets are made of ice and the trees are still partly hidden in snow. Spring feels far away but when the sun comes out it makes everything a little brighter even when it is -14 degrees Celsius (6.8 Fahrenheit) outside.


When I take my mittens off to snap a photo with my cell phone my hands freeze up way too quick. I managed to take a few this weekend though that I had to share with you all. I got my first smart phone last year (an htc wildfire) and I still haven’t gotten used to having a phone that can take pictures and do all kind of fun stuff, but I love it!

Ice on the river.

Apple tree.

Me and the apple tree shadow.

Beloved Milton boots, still going strong!

Low sun making long striped tree shadows on the river. Breathtakingly beautiful.

Back inside I try to get warm again.

Later in the evening I light a whole batch of candles, just because.

On days like this I can truly say that winter, with all that beautiful snow, is my favorite season, at least until Spring time…

14 Responses

  1. Vilka underbara sepia f?rgade foton!!!! Kul att g? in och l?sa din blog…
    Vi ses

  2. Thanks for commenting! Quick nature photos are so much fun (and easy to snap) with a phone camera and a nice app! :-)

  3. The photos are wonderful! I love nature shots…one would never know they taken with a phone camera….fantastic!

  4. nice shots. love how you changed the coloring. we haven’t had much winter here yet. although they are telling us we will get a little snow tomorrow. i noticed daffodils in bloom on my way to work this morning. way to early, i hope they don’t get froze.

  5. Wow! What beautiful photos! I particularly liked the ice on the river and the one with your shadow on it. They would make a great series printed on 30x30cm canvas and hung in a straight line along a wall in a monochrome room. If only I had a monochrome room…….

  6. I love your winter photographs. I have often wondered what winter is like for people so far north. I have frequently heard tales of a dark and challenging environment. Your pictures add beauty to those tales.

    From: A fan who lives in Virginia, USA; a place where one snowflake panics the population.

  7. I love your winter photographs. I have often wondered what winter is like for people so far north. I have frequently heard tales of a dark and challenging environment. Your pictures add beauty to those tales.

    From: A fan who lives in Virginia, USA; a place where one snowflake panics the population.

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