Sometimes I knit too

Gray socks with red heal

Seriously! Sometimes I knit something even though last year was a knitting dry spell. This year starting good with me just knitting a few rows on the toe of second gray sock and ta-daa! Another pair of knitted socks by yours truly! If you don’t knit already you need to start because there is nothing nicer than warm socks you’ve knitted yourself. Well worth the effort and time it takes!

Gray socks with red heal

This sweet pair is made from two different (because the first one run out) skeins of thick gray wool, but both has a thin read edge plus a read heal and toe. I love them!

Gray socks with red heal

I could dance ballet in these, if I could dance ballet of course.

Gray socks with red heal
I’m modeling my new warm socks on the recycled fabric brown quilt, also made by me. I’m creating a world of handmade to surround me with. Little by little. Maybe this is what the world (and I) need. A place where everything is warm & cozy.

Stay warm!

12 Responses

  1. Cute! I so want to learn how to make these. So far all I’ve been able to make is a scarf with lots of random holes and extra stitches in it.

  2. those are very fun! neat to see some of your other creations. I’ve never learned to knit. my mother used to crochet and tried to teach me several times, but me being left handed and she right handed, i could never figure out the switch. one of my goals for this year is to post something different every Monday. So far, so good!

  3. Hey, thanks for commenting! Knitting is so much fun once you master it. Just keep practicing and you’ll get lots of joy from your needles!

  4. I like this phrase about handmade objects in your post: “this is what the world (and I) need”.
    Can I add a thing to this? I think the world really needs crafters’ work, because it’s often ecological, less “resources wasting” than industrial process.
    Don’t you think it?

    I’m knitting a pullover for me right now, with short sleeves :)

  5. oo they are gorgeous…love the colours and heel and toe details!
    I wish I could knit as I’d love to make my own clothes but I wouldn’t have a clue where to begin! My mum tried to teach me to knit many moons ago but it was too much for my pea brain to get to grips with! x:)

  6. I’m learning… actually taking a knitting class next Monday to learn more. My cousin has a blog and hosts “fibers on friday” and right now has a sock challenge going on!

    Love your socks … they looks wonderfully warm!

  7. Thanks! They are very warm and cozy indeed. Learning how to knit is an investment of your time. I enjoy it a lot even though I will never make the most advanced things, I’m happy with scarfs, socks and simple patterns.

  8. The red in your socks really pops! Knitting is like a big jigsaw puzzle of fiber, with some sort of magic holding it together. Knitting is definitely a mystery to me! Stay cozy!

  9. Hehe, thanks. NaNa, I know, I made it I made it! :-) I’m very proud of my brown quilt, I use it ALL the time when sitting by the computer and writing, I guess it is a bit cold here in winter.

    Take care!

  10. I just love your socks! No matter they are made from two different yarns. At least you had enough for a full sock! My practice sock – ran out 2/3 of the way through and had to use another gray yarn to finish.

    When i made it – that did not matter because it was a practice sock! But – it is so comfy – now I wish I could have made two!

    The red accents are just perfect with the gray yarn. I just know wearing these will brighten any day! How could you not smile wearing them!

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