The Giant Poppy

Postcard from a Giant Poppy
Greetings from a Giant Poppy.

The latest addition to Dad’s garden is a Giant Poppy. He called me over when he had put it in the ground, to admire it with him. And I have to agree with him, it is magnificent and a real garden beauty. I think it just screams of natural magic and poetry…

Here are a few of the photos I took:

Dear Giant Poppy

Giant Poppy Bud
Dear Poppy, I like your eagerness to bloom…

Giant Poppy
…your silk soft petals…

Giant Poppy
…and your velvet middle that reminds me of a sea anemone.

Giant Poppy

I like the amazement nature’s wonders present me with. Oh bliss! Thank you for the simple pleasure you present, every day.

More stuff from the garden

10 Responses

  1. How funny-I was *just* looking at the exact same colour and size of poppy yesterday at the Farmer’s Market. I am going to buy myself a pot of them next week if the vendor still has them.

  2. I love those poppies! I have several in my garden and they are gorgeous!

    Note to self – must plant more and must use them for art inspiration!

  3. Mmmmm. I love poppies! There’s something so lush and delicate about them. Plus their seed heads are so fun to craft with!

  4. Thanks for popping in girls, and commenting! ;-)

    Melissa, you craft with the pods? What do you do? Tell me! :-)

  5. I use them dried, in my shrines, or in dried flower arrangements. I’ve often though it would be fun to stamp with the tops, they have such a neat circular shape. This year I grew the little icelandic poppies, they’re beautiful, but don’t have the big seed heads like the oriental ones. I’m hoping to get an oriental poppy next year.

  6. my comment is not going through. just saying that i heart your pics and wondering if you used any macro lenses..jeez what’s wrong with my pc?

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