I was featured in a e-zine & the Stockholm app

A computer terminal is not some clunky old television with a typewriter in front of it. It is an interface where the mind and body can connect with the universe and move bits of it about.
Douglas Adams

Art Journal Journey e-zine Do you read the e-zine The Art Journal Journey? You should, it is really cool. I feel some of the pages are quite busy, but the content is inspirational and fun. I got a free issue a while back because I’m published in it. Marney emailed me and asked to include my blog post about Black backgrounds.

The May issue (#18) is over sixty pages jam packed with goodness, tutorials, articles and inspiration. This e-zine is created by Marney Makridakis of magic Artella Land. In the shop you can also find other art related publications.

Table of content of Art Journal Journey

The zine is all about ART: A – Advice and Inspiration for Creative Well-Being, R – Resources for Art Journalers (featuring product reviews especially relevant for art journalers) and T – Tools, Tips, and Techniques for Your Pages. It’s available for 7 USD from here. This is how my pages look in it;

Black acrylic background article

I really like the information tag Try this that you find on quite a few pages. Including “paper looking” items in print is so cool, I want to experiment with that in some form soon.

After being published in the book Craft Corp I think I need to be adding a page to the blog where I show all the various places that I am published at. I am always impressed and quite jealous when I see those kind of pages, but now the iHannaness is spreading in the world. I feel proud because mostly it has been me sticking out my nose and saying; Hey, look at what I’ve got!

Art Journal Journey page 40-41

schmap stockholm etnografiska Though sometimes you are asked to be featured, and that is an honor in its own way, knowing people like what you do. I only wish “the asking” would be followed by a pay check. That would be even more nice.

Schmap app

A while back I got a flickr message that a company wanted to use a photo of mine in their “app”. I did not get payed but my name and a link to my flickr page is featured with the photo, so I thought it was a fun thing to say yes to. My photo is from the Day of the Dead exhibition at Etnografiska in Stockholm. It is now featured in the app Schmap that I think you can download for free to your iPhone if you are a lucky owner (I wish i was!).

schmap of stockholm
Schmap has lots of maps in apps, this one is of Stockholm. Rather neat, huh?

If you are coming to visit the capital of Sweden, Stockholm, you should read iHanna’s guide to Stockholm (with just a few of my favorite places), and also Decor8’s great Stockholm guide by guest poster Joanna Swanson. Recommended!

6 Responses

  1. WOW! You are being published everywhere!! I am going to go check this out and try to get it. how cool. I just got an ezine that Diane of Craftypod recommended and I think zines are amazing. In fact, you’re even on Diane’s blogroll! It’s hard to get on that blogroll!

    I saw the book Craft Corps and found you in there and was very happy. One day I will buy that book, too.

    I remember your stockhold guide. STUNNING!

  2. Hi! Me, again!

    I just purchased this ezine and it looks so great! I’ve printed out the pages I liked most and after work I’ll be devouring it. I even added the missing S on your name in my printout of the table of contents!

    Thanks for the head’s up, Hanna. Have a great weekend.

  3. Thank you Chris, for commenting here. I’m so glad you liked the zine too and could find something new from my blog once again. And your comment about the missing S made me laugh out loud, it would be you to notice that!

    Did you know that the form is Swedish from someone being called Anders’ son (the son of Anders), so the two S are of course a must. When we stopped giving the fathers name to the son and started using a inherited family name it became one word: Andersson. I guess some people simplified their name back when the moved to the US, because one S is much more common there. :-)

    End of history lesson. Take care!

  4. Congratulations, it?s looking good! You certainly is starting to get around! And it?s such a good feeling being published – I?ve been there and done that too, and hope to do it more. And I wish you?d always get a copy of the publication, but that?s unfortunately not the case… :( I?m also in the Schmapp Stockholm map, at the Aquaria page, yes – fun thing, even though it doesn?t pay!

  5. i do love your post,there are something eye-catching in general, it goes into my pile of ?thing I desire.?

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