Visual Wish List for Christmas I made this visual Christmas wish list in an app called Shuffles. It’s directly connected to your Pinterest account, so it’s… Categories Home Comforts/in list form/Inspiration
Idea: Create a Video Journal with One Second a day The app One Second Everyday is a free app that you download to your smart phone and use to document your… Categories Digital Life/Photography
Get Started Ideas for Creative Play – using the Phone Never before in history has innovation offered promise of so much to so many in so short a time… Bill Gates… Categories Digital Life/Draw & doodle
Create a Daily Meditation Practice I love sitting meditation. I believe in the health benefits it provides, and I know that if and when I get… Categories Digital Life/iHanna philosophy
Weekly Inspiration: Pattrn app + entrepreneurial toolkit A while back mom asked for help to get a nice background for her new smart phone. I helped her download… Categories Digital Life
I was featured in a e-zine & the Stockholm app A computer terminal is not some clunky old television with a typewriter in front of it. It is an interface where… Categories Digital Life/Inspiration