Cha cha changes

There is just so much to do! Be warned now; it’s not always going to be the same. There is always going to be changes and it’s going to be good. If you can keep an open mind about it, things is going to be better! Things is going to be awesome, like crazy awesome!

So much to do - Art Journal spread (copyright Hanna Andersson)
Art Journal spread.

So much to do

Art Journal - March 2009 (copyright Hanna Andersson)
Another recent Art Journal spread and a grungy detail from it:

Art Journal detail

La Mer - art journal spread (copyright Hanna Andersson)

LA MER - detail (copyright Hanna Andersson)

Du - art journal spread (copyright Hanna Andersson)

Gugglor! (copyright Hanna Andersson)

Not finished - art journal spread (copyright Hanna Andersson)

12 Responses

  1. If I remember it correctly, Suzi also says (lol like Simon says):
    “You gotta go where the fun is, where the passion is”.
    Great pages!

  2. oh good an adventure…changes look good..i am celebrating my 3rd blogacersary this week with a BiG GiVeAwAy…please come join in and spread the word…blessings, rebecca

  3. This quote immediately came to mind and I thought you would like it :)
    ?It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.? – Charles Darwin

  4. I was wondering the same thing Ellen Groskorth!

    Miss You Hanna! Hope everything is OK!

    God Bless You and Yours and Your
    Creative Life and Health!!!

  5. Hey, there! Been out of town. Catching up again.
    You are so generous, showing your journal pages! I enjoyed having my journal with me on vacation, but have not shown pictures yet. shy…
    Hope you are well, Hanna!

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