Online friends plus great photo and journal inspiration

Some collages from my Daily Art Challenge:

Daily Art Card 27/4
Daily Art Cards from April

I’m sharing mostly lots of inspiration from other people today. Go there; comment, be inspired, share what you like. Play, have fun, Happy Valborg, it is the gateway to long and warmer days today and tomorrow is a red day in Sweden.

Friends of iHanna on the web

Marcia sent me a real virtual Gertrude Jekyll rose from her garden because of my 4 years of blogging. That is just so sweet!

Heather has answered my anniversary questions in a post of her own over at her blog. Go there and tell her that journaling is your passion, she will love that! Journaling is one of my passions for sure, as you all know.

Caren posted pictures of the jeans bag I sent her in my giveaway earlier this year. You can get your own jeans bag with swirls or blue rose lining at my Etsy Shop if you feel like buying something so I can add new things to my shop!

April Inspiration from flickr

Inspiration Mosaic - April 2008
1. Doc Martens in hot pink!, 2. Moleskine 047, 3. Cherry Pippin, 4. Eye-land 2 2006, 5. I made a new carpet!, 6. little fashion 3, 7. little fashion 1, 8. neat arrangement, 9. House # 4, 10. MO(neco) 7, 11. saia flowers hearts & cherries, 12. are you with us?, 13. the way my brain stumbles, 14. crochet babette – detail, 15. thank you Vicki!, 16. Bottle Cap Necklaces

What to put in your journal – inspiration links!

Sketchbooks article series at book-by-its-cover blog
Inspiration e-zine 3 – pdf-file from design for mankind.

* New to Me Art Slam – a very cool page with journaling prompts / challenges from different journal keepers for you to do. Lots of yummy stuff there!

And I’m so into reading right now. Found the book Ljusbärarna (M?nniskor som v?ljer gl?dje) by Anita Goldman today in the book shop and sat for a while and read the first pages. It is inspiring, but I was picking up an exiting package from so I resisted. I want this book bad though (275 sek in town!), it’s on my wish list for sure!

There are 245 days remaining until the end of the year – please, let’s all take good care of those!

5 Responses

  1. Oh, goodness! I am so tickled that you linked to my moleskine!!! Doing a little happy dance here!

  2. Hej Hanna, I love it how you wrote “There are 245 days remaining until the end of the year – please, let’s all take good care of those!” It really hit me, and it’s always good to be reminded that every second, every day, is precious. Thanks :o)

  3. Hey Hanna, thanks for the too links about note/sketchbooks (the one of the Pearce Sisters, and Book by its cover), i am a little obsessed with other’s sketchbooks and am always happy when I find other websites about that.. or books or anything. If you hadn’t seen it yet, you should check out the book of Jenifer New called “Drawing from life: the journal as art” it’s amazingly interesting..
    Anyway, love your blog, your pictures are absolutly beautiful and your posts so full of joie de vivre (means.. wonder, joy..)
    Thanks :)

  4. Ainelivia,
    thank you! My daily art cards are 10 x 10 centimeters, that is about 4×4 inches. I think it’s a great size but I might go a little bigger later this year. All are made on watercolor paper.



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