Rainbow Ripple Afghan finished

I have finished the Rainbow Ripple Afghan that I’ve crocheted, and I’m so pleased with this project.


But first: Tulips from my grandmother in my ripple afghan colors – I took this photo after I had taken these of the blanket / afghan:

Ripple Afghan by iHanna

Yes, it is true. It’s finished. I have it around my shoulders as I’m writing this!

Ripple Afghan by iHanna

Ripple Afghan in Rainbow colors

I’m very happy I took on this project which is my first big crochet project! This blanket was so much fun to make – all the way to the end! Yes, it’s the truth. I’m bored to death with the knitting of the cardigan, but this I could do all over again if only I could afford more cotton!

Ripple Afghan by iHanna

I love to crochet, and this afghan has all my favorite colors: lots of pink of course, turquoise, green, yellow, orange and so on. It’s like a rainbow and I smile when I see it on my bed.

Ripple Afghan by iHanna
The first yarn batch didn’t go far and since I didn’t have any cotton in my stash I’ve visited the yarn store a couple of times. It grew fast in my hands and soon I could use it as a cozy as I was crocheting on it!

I loooove the ripple pattern!

Ripple Afghan by iHanna

Well, sorry to brag with all these photos, but it had to be done. I’m happy happy happy!

Ripple Afghan by iHanna

56 Responses

  1. ?h, det var et herlig b?lgeteppe ja:)))
    Hekler p? mitt andre teppe jeg n?, det er s? g?y!
    Hva med ? hekle et ripple-skjerf av eventuelle rester?
    Det har jeg gjort, i alle regnbuens farger:)

  2. wow! your ripple afghan is gorgeous. I would be proud of it too. love the colours, and I can imagine how lovely it feels too, all that cotton knit. lovely.

  3. I found your blog from the Lixie Knits It podcast and it’s been great visiting you. Yourr afghan is very beautiful – these bright colours are really lovely to see at this time of year.

  4. Hi there and CONGRATULATIONS!!! Looking at your ripple afgahn makes ME smile too :-) And I know exactely how you feel about finishing such a big and beautiful project (check out my blog, I finally finished my hexagon blanket…) It has been a while since I left a comment as I have been unbelievably busy for months – but I have managed to blogsurf a bit and your blog is still on my top 10 list. Stopping by ihanna has been a golden moment during many a long working day. Thank you for being such an inspiration to us all :-)

  5. Hi Hanna,
    I love your ripple afghan. It is beautiful I am making one too although in a smaller size I think. I hope mine is as wonderful as yours when it is finished.
    I have been reading your blog for a little while but this is my first comment. Thank you for sharing all your lovely ideas and creations. I have ordered your book and it should be here any day now. :)
    Love NB x

  6. S???? fint! Jag vill ox? g?ra en s?n. Jag har iallafall stickat f?rdigt mina gr?na pulsv?rmare under julledigheten.

  7. Great job! It turned out fabulous. It almost makes me want to do something other than sew…but I leave that to other people to do! Maybe I could give my mom the link to this and hint for her to make one. :)

  8. Yes, you should be happy – it’s beautiful. The colours are so cheerful and bright, just the thing to keep you cozy on a cold winter’s day.

  9. HI again! I just left a comment on an older blog post you made.. but I hadn’t seen your book yet.

    I just wanted to say that my heart skipped a beat and I am seriously so excited because #1. I’d love to get your book when I get the extra cash and #2. That is exactly what I’ve been thinking about doing myself but didn’t realize it was possibly so easy!

    I have recently been gathering my old writings from a number of places (Livejournal, Deadjournal, Myspace journal and a craft blog) which I’d love to put together and make my own book.. if only for my own keepsake..

    Thank you so much for EXISTING and I’m so happy to have found your site today =]

  10. This is beautiful. You should be so proud to complete such a project. I’m not sure I’ve ever finished any of the afghans that I started. I can finish the baby blankets, but I have a difficult time keeping committed to the larger ones.

    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment.



  11. This is beautiful!! And the bright colors really are a wonderful lift at such a dark and dreary time of the year. Congratulations on finishing such a huge and lovely project!

  12. That’s a colorful and beautiful afghan. You should be proud! It’s a good feeling to finish a project.

  13. mmmm, ljuvlig! Jag vill, jag SKA l?ra mig virka! F?rgerna ?r helt underbara och visst ?r det h?rligt n?r det g?r att kombinera det gamla hantverket med n?got nytt och s? blir det s? vackert!

  14. Brag away woman! That has to be the most beautiful afghan I’ve EVER seen in my life. Those colors, so vibrant. It just makes me happy to look at it. Where did you get the pattern?

  15. Beautiful! Just looking at that vibrant thing brightens up my grey, rainy day here in Seattle, Washington. I enjoy your blog. :)

  16. So pretty and such a bright spot in the midst of winter. Such an great accomplishment. You have every right to brag.

  17. Wow beautiful, I love it! well done you!!!
    It’s sure to bring many smiles with its bright happy colours :o)

  18. I LOVE this! I want to rush to the craft store right now and buy a ton of yarn to make my own!!

    How many thingies of yarn did it take?

  19. ?h jag ?r helt k?r i din filt. Den ?r helt,helt underbar! En s?n vill jag ocks? g?ra. ?r det j?ttesv?rt? F?ljde du en mall eller har du hittat p? en sj?lv?

  20. This is FANTASTIC! I LOVE it!!!!
    Wow, I would love to have one of these on my bed…what a happy colour scheme too. You’ve inspired me to learn to crochet!
    :) Tere

  21. So beautiful! And I loved seeing you linking your work to the colors that inspire you in the natural world.

  22. Den blev otroligt fin! Vilket garn anv?nde du, hur m?nga nystan gick det (ungef?r)? En ripple afghan har st?tt p? min att-g?ra-lista l?nge, men jag kan inte best?mma mig f?r vilket garn och vilka f?rger.

  23. well done, that must have been so much work!
    i’m hoping to make some kind of blanket for my new niece or nephew, due in july, but i’m with you on the wool thing, it’s so expensive to use cotton or other natural materials! even for a small baby blanket! on the other hand, if i’m going to spend hours making it i probably don’t want to be handling acrylics for so long.

  24. Hi Hanna,

    I got inspired by your big blanket project and decided to make one of my own in ocean colors because I sometimes go live on the beach summer time. I found an easy ripple stitch pattern on line that is very similar to yours. Thank you for giving us a close up because I was debating whether to crochet in the back loops to give it a ripple effect or not. I see you did not do that and I am just doing the same. It is nice to have an easy project where you do not have to count stitches and I can watch tv with my husband and take a break from making paper beads. Janice Mae

  25. Hi, I totally love your ripple! I’m nearly finished mine and wanted to remind myself of the ripple I saw with the great border. I’m so happy I’ve found your blog because it was your ripple. Most people leave a border off but I think it stabilizes the blanket sides and stops it from stretching. And I think it looks really beautiful. I have pink in my ripple -17 colours but I think my border will be purple. Like you it is my first big project – have only done scarves before. I would also do it all again and will one day, the colours make it so much fun. But I want to do a granny next. I love everything about yours. Thanks for sharing it!

  26. Wow. That’s beautiful. I’ve done a few afghans and they do take patience. But they are so worth it in the end! I myself am working on a all single crochet blanket, almost done!

  27. Loved your ripple afghan with border. Can you forward me the pattern including the border.


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