Nurturing your soul

I’ve been clicking around again today. SO much to see, so much inspiration everywhere that make you become even more creative. Like we need that? Well, some might need an idea or two. I need a new year filled with time! hehe. There is no end to it and you can get totally caught up in it if you are not careful. Be warned. If you click on (like I did today) there is almost no time left to acctually be creative! But on the other hand, I really wanted (needed) to share some of my experiences on the web today, so if you are up to it and have a minute or 50…

Let’s go!

First, watch this video from Amanda:

Creativity and meditation is very much connected if you ask me. I’m looking for resources on this, links, books, articles. Please let me know if you see anything about meditation/yoga+being creative. Thanks

Now, also check out:

  • Inspiration boards collected by decor8 – oh what beautiful photos and rooms!
  • Marci Alboher & Tim Ferriss – a long video with just talk, but very interesting and inspirational. I think you should watch it if you, like me, are a “slash person”, you know a person who loves to do many things and also do them all the time! I want both of these two authors books One Person/Multiple Careers (if I didn’t have to look at the hiddious cover!) and The 4-Hour Workweek (or at least a date with this cool guy who has done everything)!
  • making books for kids – make the kid in your life a little book for christmas, pleeease? do it for me, and for the art of creativity that need nurturing and room to develope
  • Roz sketch journals – inspiration for anyone who wants to draw in their journal! So beautiful!
  • Supplies for Visual Journaling – another video from Violette!
  • ‘Journaling’ Category at cat-sidth’s blog – I’ve been reading through most of her posts on journaling, getting inspiration, tips and magic images from her journals!
  • Daily coyote – amazing story and images, very moving. I read through the whole blog in one sitting. Now I want a coyote of my own, or at least a dog! Found via amy

I have some projects to post, but until I’ve written about them, here is some sweet loving for everyone in Smilla’s fan club! Desktop images for December 2007, enjoy!

My creation

Click to download: Smilla cozy desktop

December cozy cat
Smilla desktop paper #2

And now, let’s get creative and do something, right? Right? I’m turning the computer off to go into sewing machine world! What about you?

A girl at the mailnglist JOURNAL GIRL wrote how impressive everyone else’s creativity and journals was, and I thought it sounded sad in a way I recognize and feel too very often. Everyone else is doing stuff, I can never be as good as those people… I’m sure you know how that feels. Overwhelming. Empty. Envious and ugly. This was my reply to her today:

    You can not be creative if you don’t try!
    Finding inspiration is great, and doodling is a great
    start! I’ve keept a written journal for my entire life
    and it’s been boring lined pages with my uneven
    handwriting page after page. Since I started to do
    more collage and painting in a separete book
    (=playing) the creative side of me is also sipping
    into the diary pages of my written journal. Stickers,
    small sketches, doodles around the edges, one or two
    collage pages in the midst of all that text.

    A good tip I think if you want to start playing in
    your writing is to draw around the edge of the papers
    before you write. Use crayons, collage, doodles,
    flowers, stickers and decorate the pages just a little
    bit and you’ll have a fun start into becoming more
    creative. It’s not difficult, but it takes practice to
    be a creative person. :-)

Edit: I googled practice creativity and found this article: Practice Creativity – read it (press print and read it in bed)!

11 Responses

  1. Thank you for that link to an amazing article, Practice Creativity. I’m bookmarking it so that I can read it again and again. There are some great lessons in it.

  2. Not only “Everyone else is doing stuff, I can never be as good as those people?”, but also “Everyone else is selling their art stuff and I don’t, what’s wrong with me and my creations?!…” These are my lines but I try not to think this way and just keep on doing my job (sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t, but I don’t give up! *^v^*).
    I totally agree with you – you’ll never know unless you try, unless you are brave to try new techniques, to practice, to allow yourself some mistakes but keep on doing it. There is no other way! *^v^*

  3. Du har s? ret, man kan komme til at bruge FOR meget tid p? at blive inspireret, s? der ikke er tid NOK til at v?re kreativ.

  4. Thanks for all the links! And omg how cute the coyote was!
    I have to say that I’ve done exactly that. I started playing in an art journal and now my usual journal looks a lot more creative, even though it’s just a painted page, some sticker and doodles. Creativity spills, everywhere.

  5. Yay! Lots of links to explore. I actually posted a link on my blog this morning to a meditation pod cast. They have a links page which links to yoga pages, forums, and other related topics. Maybe, there is something on creativity in there.

  6. Have you ever seen Wreck This Journal? Go to Amazon and check it out.

    I think it is interesting what you said about all the creative things out there for us to envy. It does get disheartening at times, and for me I just have to decide not to surf–because what happens is just what you described–a feeling of discontentment. After all, we are just seeing a slice of a person’s life that they’ve chosen to reveal (and probably a lot of editing has happened) but we look and decide that we must be some kind of imbecile because we don’t home school, or make amazing scrapbooks with a page for every day of December, or document our child’s life with gorgeous photography. What we are not reading about is that maybe so-and-so ignores her children because she is on the computer so much or that mr. husband is lonely because his wife is out shopping all the time for crafting supplies, etc. I don’t know, I’m just rambling here. I can just see that this world of blogging can very easily get out of hand for me. I need to set limits or it all can go so terribly off-balance for me. At the same time, I’m thankful that there is so much inspiration out there just at my fingertips.

    Well, check out the journal. I bought one but haven’t yet had the courage to take pen to it yet. I will, though!!!

  7. Oh, such a cute wall paper! :-)…I quite liked the video too..

    Glad I stumbled to your site..will be back for more

  8. Hanna, these are such amazing resources — I’m just googly-eyed and grinning — I’ve been a bit down lately and all of a sudden, I feel all giddy and ready to start being creative again. Thank you!!

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