A paper crane – first try at origami

Thrifted apron

I’ve wanted to make a paper crane like for ever, and when I read this post it made me look through my paper stash and dig out my unused and 2-coloured origami paper. I think I got it on my birthday two years ago.

I have watched Kristalyn’s Paper crane 101 video a couple of times and read some instructions too but maybe paper cranes is too advanced for me? It might not be in my genes? I’v been trying to knit with pearls lately, and the pattern with beautiful snow flakes was just over my head too. I think I started over about 12 times before I gave up and did another pattern that was a easier for me to follow. I don’t know if this is how I always am or if it’s just right now that I can’t fold paper or do advanced pattern counting? I hope it’s the later. I’m just telling you so you know that everyone has to stuble around as beginners. In sewing, knitting, paper art, writing… Everything is easy once you know it!

And of course I was born a stubborn ass. So here is my first paper crane:

Paper crane

I want to make a mobile of paper cranes, so I’ve got a couple more to fold. Maybe I can use my crane from Liz who is doing the The Paper Crane Project when and if I get it? In the mean time, if you enjoy beautiful photos go check out the crane gallery! You can sort the photos by colour, pattern or country they’ve been sent to!

Christmas again

And really this tutorial here is the best one, but I didn’t discover that until I had folded and unfolded my piece of paper in every direction possible!

Lussefika (tjuvstart)

See you later!

9 Responses

  1. My daughter is presently 700 cranes into folding 1,000. She’s doing it for a wish. (I think that it has something to do with a certain boy that she met!)

  2. I’m really good with origami and can tell you that if you’ve never done it before, the crane is not the easiest to do. It’s not the hardest either. But yours came out really nice. You don’t have to use only origami paper, as long as your paper is not too thick or stiff and not too thin that it might tear. I’ve done origami out of candy wrappers, bus tickets and restaurant bills. Once you get started, though, it’s hard to stop!

    I love your coffee mug with the blue cat! So cute!!!

  3. Thank you for the link to that tutorial. No, it isn’t you, I think origami is one of those things that looks easy but actually isn’t. I was surprised at how difficult it can be, especially trying to learn from written instructions!
    Yours looks great, and I like that you took its picture on the dough : )

  4. Hanna. Have you forgotten that we folded cranes this summer, sometime around my birthday? With the papers I received from my cousin?

  5. Those cakes look absolutely divine – I’m quite hungry now! Thanks for your comments on my Flickr pics. I was looking at your blog for hours yesterday and I love it! Could you post the recipe for those cakey things I MUST have some! I’m off to make some cakes of my own. Cheerio, friend! x x x

  6. Hi :)
    Did you see? In the left cup of coffe there’s a shape of a hart :)
    Your works are amazing, sooo cute.

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