Podcast Interview with iHanna

Smilla and iHannas book A creative Year a blog diary book in full color #POD

Don’t listen to me, please. Do you hear that? Oh, gaaah!

Oh well then, just Click to listen!

21 Responses

  1. I listened to you about twelve times in the editing process, and enjoyed it every time! Nobody likes hearing their own voice on tape — including me. But if you give it another listen, I think you’ll hear yourself saying lots of lovely things.

  2. I’ve been reading you for a couple of weeks, and you inspire me tremendously! I don’t want much for Christmas, but I am going to ask for your book! :)

  3. It was so much fun Hanna to finally hear your voice! Thanks for doing the interview, I really enjoyed it. :)

  4. I’ve just heard the interview, and I think it’s great. It was really interesting to hear your thoughts about your book project :-)

  5. Hanna! This interview is wonderful. I truly enjoyed it. And how sweet to hear your speaking voice too. Again, congratulations on self-publishing your book and on this great interview. Keep going!

  6. I’ve been listening to the podcast, really inspiring to hear! And I actually got interested in maybe doing it myself… Maybe an edited nanowrimo-book? :)

  7. Well done! Really inspiring! You?re very good at expressing yourself not only in writing – but orally as well.

    Also very nice to hear the sound of your voice. I have been following you for asome time now – at Il Bloggo – and you sounds excatly the way I expected. Your voice seems somehow so familiar – even though I?ve never heard it before…

  8. Yay! Hi Hanna! I didn’t know about your awesome blog before your interview on Crafypod! You did great and were very brave!

    Good job with the interview too, Sister Diane!

  9. Hello my dear hanna, I have nominated you with the “Blog Roar Award” (please see my latest post). Also, I started a new blog titled “Glamour Girls”~I think you might like it, check it out when you get the chance.

  10. I just listened to the podcast (my first time listening to a podcast) and you sounded great! I really enjoyed hearing what you had to say about your blog and your book. And you’re accent is super cute.

  11. Um, why didn’t I know about your book??? Well, am checking it all out now. I suppose that’s because I’ve been so busy. You really do go, girl. ;-)

  12. Oh yeah, I’ve made a blog entry about your book tonight. I hope it’s ok to use an image of your book in the post. If you don’t want me to, just let me know and I will remove it. ;-)

  13. I really loved listening to your interview. You sounded lovely, clever, honest and cute. Your accent is so sweet. Congratulations on your book, what a great project.

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